United Auctions (Stirling) hosted the annual Perthshire and Fife Young Farmers’ calf wintering competition, with 46 calves forward for show and sale.
The competition ran from October through to March, with the majority of the calves being owned for 149 days.
Judge for the day was Mr T Stevenson, Balmacolly, Perth.
Average prices: 46 calves £1,080; bullocks (33) £1,085; heifers (13) £1,068. Average profit (46) £239.
The overall champion was a January 2013 born LimX bullock at 580kg from Lynn Paterson, Golland, Kinross (Kinross JAC). It was bought in November as a home-bred calf weighing 430kg and realised £1,380. This was also the best animal from Fife and Kinross.
The reserve championship ticket went to Jill Hunter, Meikle Fieldie, Glenfarg (Perth and District JAC) with an April-born LimX heifer bred by Glenkilrie Farms, selling at £1,180.
Jill also won the Ripercol Rosebowl Trophy for best animal from Perthshire and best presented entry from Perthshire.
The bullock showing the best return on capital invested came from Crawford McLaren, Knox House, Crieff (Strathearn JAC).
The March-born CharX bullock was bought for £800 and sold at £1,210 gaining him a return of 51.25%.
Crawford also received third in this class with an April-born CharX bullock bought for £800 and selling for £1,150, showing a return of 43.75%.
Ruth Brown, Strageath Mains (Strathearn JAC) took first and second in the heifer daily liveweight gain section with two March-born CharX heifer calves bred by Mr Brown, Kynachan, with daily liveweight gain of 1.61kg.
These later sold, scaling 500kg, at £1,020 to Mr McEwan, West Mains of Colliston.
The daily liveweight gain in the bullock class was won by Zara Stewart, Kerryfearn (Strathearn JAC) with her May-born CharX bullock, bred by Grove Farms.
This reached a daily liveweight gain of 1.81kg.
It was later sold scaling 518kg at £1,120.
This calf also gained second place for the bullock showing best return on capital invested. It was bought for £770 and sold at £1,120, a return of 45.4%.
Other prizes were as follows.
Best return from Fife and Kinross: Mike McLaren, Nether Strathkinness (East Fife JAC) BrBX £1,110, 37%.
Heifer showing best return on capital invested: 1 James Peters, Cuilt Farm, (Strathearn JAC) £2,100 162%; 2 Louise Mercer, Milton Place, (Strathearn JAC) £1,070 78.57%; 3 John Penny, East Saucher, (Strathearn JAC) £870, 42.6%
Best daily liveweight gain in bullock classes: 1 Zara Stewart, Kerryfearn (Strathearn JAC) 1.81kg; 2 Crawford McLaren, Knox House, (Strathearn JAC) 1.69kg; 3 Crawford McLaren, 1.43kg.
Best daily liveweight gain in heifer classes: 1 Ruth Brown, Strageath Mains, (Strathearn JAC) 1.61kg; 2 Ruth Brown,1.58kg; 3 Michael Jack, Wester Newburn (East Fife JAC) 1.25kg.
Haltered heifer: 1 Jill Hunter, Meikle Fieldie, (Perth and District JAC) LimX 482kg, £1,180; 2 Annette Marshall, North Baldutho, (Aberfeldy and District JAC) LimX 458kg, £1,080; 3 James Peters, Cuilt (Strathearn JAC) BrBX 440kg, £2,100.
Heavyweight heifer: 1 Michael Jack, Meikle, Wester Newburn, (East Fife JAC) CharX 534kg, £1,170; 2 Louise Mercer, Milton Place, (Strathearn JAC) BrBX 460kg, £1,070.
Lightweight heifer: 1 Louise Mercer, CharX 440kg, £980; 2 Isla Thomson, Kinnaird Farm, (Strathearn JAC) LimX 388kg, £870; 3 Emma Paterson, Golland (Kinross JAC) LimX 362kg, £840.
Haltered bullock: 1 Alexander Marshall, North Baldutho (Aberfeldy and District JAC) LimX 446kg, £1,080; 2 C Drysdale, Kinnesswood (Kinross JAC) SHX 436kg, £1,030.
Bullock over 370kg: 1 Lynn Paterson, Golland (Kinross JAC) LimX 580kg, £1,380; 2 Michael Rattray, West Park (Strathearn JAC) BrBX 526kg, £1,260; 3 Ewan Lambie, Loanhead of Duchally (Strathearn JAC) LimX 596kg, £1,250.
Heavy bullock: 1 Paul Rattray, West Park, (Strathearn JAC) LimX 502kg, £1,100; 2 Michael Rattray, LimX 464kg, £1,090; 3 Scott Lambie, Loanhead of Duchally (Strathearn JAC) BrBX 526kg, £1,160.
Medium bullock: 1 Crawford McLaren, CharX 570kg, £1,210; 2 Isla Thomson, LimX 530kg, £1,170; 3 Paul Rattray, LimX 500kg, £1,170.
Lightweight bullock: 1 Alexander Marshall, LimX 446kg, £1,010; 2 Zara Stewart, CharX 518kg, £1,120; 3 Louisa Thomson, Kinnaird Farm (Strathearn JAC) CharX 428kg, £1,090.