United Auctions Stirling held their annual Perthshire and Fife Young Farmers calf-wintering competition on Wednesday, with 44 calves brought forward for show and sale.
The competition ran from October through to March, with the majority of the calves being owned for 149 days.
Judge was Mr I Sim, Kincraig, Brechin.
The average prices for the 44 calves sold was £1,097 (+£17.50 on the year). Bullocks (28) averaged £1,104; heifers (16) averaged £1,085. The average profit was £220 per head.
The overall champion was a March-born Charolais cross heifer scaling 546kg from James Peters, Cuilt, Crieff (Strathearn JAC).
The calf, bred by the Thomson brothers at West Park, Aberfeldy, was bought in November and realised £1,380.
This combination also won the best-presented entry for Perthshire, taking the Ripercol Rosebowl trophy for best animal within Perthshire.
This animal also won the daily liveweight gain in the heifer section with a liveweight gain of 1.32kg per day.
The reserve champion went to Sandy Dawson, Devon Farm, Leven (Bell Baxter ADS) with a December-born Limousin cross bullock bred by Messrs Warnock, Dreva, selling to £1,340.
Sandy also won the Bayne and Wood Trophy for the best animal from Fife and Kinross.
The award for bullock showing the best return on capital invested was won by Louise Mercer (Strathearn JAC), with a Shorthorn bullock bought for £850 and selling to £1,170, gaining a profit of 38%, and Paul Rattray (Strathearn JAC), with a Limousin cross bullock bought for £810 and selling to £1,120.
Paul also received second price in this class with a Limousin cross bought for £840 and selling to £1,150, gaining a profit of 37%.
Ruth Brown (Strathearn JAC) took first place in the heifer daily liveweight gain class with a Limousin cross bought for £600 and selling to £960, gaining a profit of 60%.
This calf also took first prize in the lightweight heifer class.
The daily liveweight gain in the bullock class was won by Michael Rattray (Strathearn JAC) with his February born Charolais cross, bred by Waterside.
This reached a daily liveweight gain of 1.30kg. It was later sold scaling 562kg at £1,180.
The animal showing the best return from Fife and Kinross was a 514kg Charolais cross heifer from David Lawrie, Cuthill Towers, Milnathort (Kinross JAC). It sold for £1,220.
Results were as follow.
Bullock showing best return on capital invested: 1 (equal) L Mercer, Berrylaw (Strathearn JAC) £1,170, 38% and Paul Rattray, West Park (Strathearn JAC) £1120, 38%; 3 Paul Rattray, £1,150, 37%
Heifer showing best return on capital invested: 1 R Brown, Strageath (Strathearn JAC) £960, 60%; 2 James Peters, Cuilt, (Strathearn JAC) £1,380, 53%; 3 C Mercer, Berrylaw (Strathearn JAC) £950, 38%.
Best daily liveweight gain, bullocks: 1 Michael Rattray, West Park (Strathearn JAC) 1.30kg per day; 2 (equal) P Rattray (Strathearn JAC) 1.28kg per day and I Thomson, Kinnaird (Strathearn JAC) 1.28kg per day
Best daily liveweight gain, heifers:1 James Peters, Cuilt, (Strathearn JAC) 1.32kg per day; 2 Ruth Brown, Strageath (Strathearn JAC) 1.14kg per day; 3 John Penny, East Saucher (Strathearn JAC) 1.11kg per day.
Haltered heifer: 1 James Peters (Strathearn JAC) CharX 546kg £1,380; 2 Alexander Marshall, North Baldutho, (Aberfeldy and District JAC) LimX 390kg £1,000;3 Craig Drysdale, Kinnesswood (Kinross JAC) LimX 534kg £1,190.
Best lightweight heifer: 1 Ruth Brown, Strageath (Strathearn JAC) LimX 382kg £960; 2 Nick Andrew, Letter (Aberfeldy JAC) LimX 378kg £950; 3 Louise Mercer (Strathearn JAC) LimX 426kg £1,010.
Best heavyweight heifer: 1 David Lawrie, Cuthill Towers, (Kinross JAC) CharX 514kg £1,220; 2 Angus Nelson, McBain Place (Kinross JAC) CharX 530kg £1,120; 3 John Penny(Strathearn JAC) CharX 504kg £1,160.
Haltered bullock: 1 Callum McIntyre, Devol House (Kinross JAC) LimX 408kg £1,050; 2 A Marshall, North Baldutho (Aberfeldy) LimX 494kg £1,190.
Best lightweight bullock- 1 James Taylor, Easter Ochtermuthill (Strathearn JAC) LimX 440kg £1,140; 2 Paul Rattray, West Park (Strathearn JAC) LimX 490kg £1,120; 3 Sarah Rattray, West Park (Strathearn JAC) LimX 480kg £1,130.
Best medium-weight bullock: 1 Ian Cullens, Dollarbank (Kinross JAC) LimX 398kg £970; 2 Michael Rattray (Strathearn JAC) CharX 498kg £1,190; 3 David Thomson, Kinnaird (Strathearn JAC) CharX 496kg £1,100.
Best heavyweight bullock: 1 Sandy Dawson, Devon (Bell Baxter ADS) LimX 514kg £1,340; 2 Michael Sands, Milton (Carse of Gowrie JAC) LimX 496kg £1,090; 3 Jamie McLaren, Classlochie (Kinross JAC) LimX 500kg £1.140.