Recruitment for the Scottish Enterprise Rural Leadership Programme is kicking off with a series of information evenings in late February and early March.
The programme is aimed at motivated, ambitious people running small to medium-sized rural businesses who are looking to develop leadership capabilities and grow their businesses.
The programme includes 12 days of events including workshops on leadership, individual focus sessions, effective communication workshops and Apprentice-style innovation projects as well as learning journeys to the Scottish Parliament, London and Brussels.
The programme runs from late October to March next year and is in its ninth year with 380 graduates to date.
To find out more, information evenings are being held next Tuesday at SRUC Craibstone, Aberdeen, next Thursday at Queensferry Hotel, North Queensferry, and Tuesday March 3 at Fenwick Hotel, Fenwick.
For further details or to register for the programme please contact Susan on 01343 548787 or email