Man forced way into stranger’s Dundee home and told her: ‘I’m Graeme Souness – your life would be better with me’
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Graham Soave made the weird comment before sexually assaulting the woman.
Graham Soave made the weird comment before sexually assaulting the woman.
Leo Stewart was one of a group 'fighting with weapons' on the Kirkcaldy street, a court was told.
Duane Haney and Mhairi McRitchie are both behind bars after trying to flee justice for the unprovoked strike on their unsuspecting victim.
Andrew Sturrock's young victim still has nightmares about the incident, Stirling Sheriff Court heard.
A round-up of court cases from Tayside and Fife.
Craig Montague pinned the dog to a bed with the knife.
Gordon Gibson admitted a series of crimes and was jailed.
Gemma Duncan crossed the carriageway to strike her victim on the back of the legs.
Brandon Harrington stood trial at the High Court in Stirling.