CONFIDENCE: The new president is optimistic about the future of the meat industry.
Scotland’s meat wholesalers have elected Ian Bentley, a non-executive director of Scotbeef, as their new president.
Mr Bentley acknowledged the challenges the industry faces which he said were common to both farmers and processers. However he said he was optimistic about the future of Scotland’s red meat industry.
Ian Bentley is president of the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers.
He added: “Our most pressing priority is to deliver on our net zero targets whilst maintaining on-farm stock numbers, and the whole industry needs to stand together as we embark on this important journey.
“It’s easy to see all the challenges and problems, of course, but at the same time we have a terrific industry and terrific opportunities, both domestically and in relation to export potential.
“I look forward, therefore, to addressing both the challenges and opportunities facing our industry in the months and years ahead.”
Mr Bentley has had a 30-year career in food retailing and is a board member of both Quality Meat Scotland and the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA).