MAN WITH MESSAGE: NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy.
Farmers’ union president Martin Kennedy has called on the nation to reset its priorities in 2023 and recognise the importance of food security.
Making his New Year message, the NFU Scotland leader appealed to consumers to support the farming industry as they did through the pandemic – and he pointed out that even with recent increases UK consumers are only spending an average 14% of income on food, up from about 9% two years ago.
Mr Kennedy added: “The other startling statistic is that globally 44% of people recognise locally produced food as being important. However, only 27% in the UK think this is the case.
UK consumers are spending an average of just 14% of their income on food.
“Education is now required at all levels and, in Scotland, the Good Food Nation Bill presents an opportunity in 2023 to ensure a commitment at all levels of public procurement to underpin that local food message.
“This message is a rallying call to all our consumers who value our quality and standards of local food production in comparison to many imports.
“Imports may seem cheaper in the short term, but, in the long term, walking out on domestic production will cause food inflation far greater than what we are seeing right now.”