If there’s one thing farming and agricultural businesses know about, it’s hard work and long days. Even then, sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to deal with everything that needs your attention.
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If you’re seeking ways to lighten the load of running your business while optimising costs, then Perthshire-based energy management company Here’s the Plan can help. It crafts bespoke energy solutions for your business tailored to your unique needs. That includes managing suppliers, contracts and negotiations in an on-going partnership that ultimately benefits you, your business, and your bank account.
We spoke to Douglas Reid, managing director, and Rowan Charity, marketing and account manager, to find out why Here’s the Plan is a valuable partner – especially when finding the best energy deals for farmers and agricultural businesses.
Douglas told us: “We’re not just a broker securing a deal, we’re a one-stop shop for energy management. We don’t just give you an electricity price and that’s it. What we do is build a bespoke plan for your business with regards to energy, helping with costs while streamlining and managing the whole process.”
Less worry and more savings
The dedicated account managers are always proactive, ensuring you never need to worry about incorrect bills, contract end dates, or renewal options. Rowan explained more about her role as an account manager: “We optimise your business costs, ensure compliance and encourage sustainable practices. There are no hidden costs as we’re fully transparent.
“We handle the entire process from tendering the supply, to agreeing the contract, and managing it for the whole lifespan while dealing with any ad hoc queries, including dispute resolution. We do everything from helping farmers with new connections for their glamping pods, to export contracts for their solar and wind turbines.”
With solutions designed specifically for the agricultural sector, Here’s the Plan can help empower your farming future and decision making. Douglas said: “One of our big aims is in helping customers achieve their net zero goals. We’re focused on sustainability, and we can help farmers work towards net zero.
“We will always look at green energy options. For example, we’ll look at solar projects, voltage optimisation projects – every option available. And we also ensure our clients are compliant with all regulations.”
It’s always reassuring to know you’ve got access to an informed, pro-active team. As part of that, Here’s the Plan also prides itself on its award-winning customer service. Rowan told us more: “As a client you have a dedicated account manager, so you’re never passed about. You just call one person and they are there for you.
“It builds a relationship whereby your personal account manager gets to know you, your business, your needs and your aims.”
The best energy deals for farmers
With 25 years’ experience on its side, Here’s the Plan can negotiate the best prices and advise on reducing energy usage. As Douglas says: “We build a relationship with our suppliers so we always get you the best quote with a quick turnaround.”
Rowan adds: “We also constantly analyse market trends and update clients on a weekly basis. That gives our clients the information and market awareness they need to make informed decisions.”
While the energy market continues to be volatile and have a significant impact on the bottom-line of the farming and agriculture sector, it pays to have the right advisers on your side.
In short, no matter what size your farming or agricultural business, Here’s the Plan can help. It can lessen the load of managing your energy plans and requirements, letting you focus more time on what you do best. If you’re finding there just aren’t enough hours in the day – well, Here’s the Plan.
Access the best energy deals for farmers and agricultural businesses with Here’s the Plan.