Experts from Scottish Forestry and Euroforest will be on hand to give advice.
Forestry owners will be offered advice on how to boost the productivity of their woodlands at a free meeting in Stirling later this month.
Industry professionals from Scottish Forestry and Euroforest will be on hand at the town’s Caledonian Mart covering everything from thinning to restocking and the best way to manage woods.
They will also provide details of felling permissions and the Forestry Grant Scheme which can help fund forest roads and access routes as well as restocking operations.
There will also be a focus on the value of farm woodlands to agriculture and the environment, and following an indoor meeting, an outdoor session will visit a recently thinned farm forest near Denny.
Malcolm Young of SAC Consulting said woodlands needed maintenance after a few years of growth in order to ensure the end crop reaches its maximum potential and delivers an interim cash input.
The event, Making Farm Forestry Work For You, takes place on Friday October 25 from 11am-3pm.
Lunch will be provided and anyone interested is asked to book on the Farm Advisory Service website.