Flagship transport plans could see substantial future investment in the A90 “through Dundee” and in Perth train station.
The proposals are part of a far-reaching vision for key transport improvements across the country.
Transport secretary Michael Matheson said his review commits to investigate the potential for upgrading Perth train station and on improving the Perth-Dundee-Aberdeen rail link.
It also highlights the A90 “through Dundee” with potential investment in improving trunk road “reliability, resilience and safety” targeted at the busy Tayside thoroughfare.
The Edinburgh/Glasgow–Perth/Dundee “rail corridor” is also on the shortlist for attracting major Scottish Government investment in future years.
What is the STPR2 and why does it matter?
The second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) makes 45 spending recommendations.
The review will inform transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years.
The plans are now out for consultation.
Transport secretary Michael Matheson said the strategy would “set us on a path to delivering a fair and just transition to Net Zero.”
He added: “The pandemic has led to fundamental shifts in travel behaviours and we want to ensure that people continue to make sustainable travel choices.
“That they return to public transport and our economic recovery does not overly rely on road-based travel.
“This review represents a repositioning of our transport investment priorities.
“The focus is firmly on how transport can help us protect our climate and improve lives.
“It takes a balanced and fair approach to all modes of transport, and all areas of Scotland.”
What does it have to say about transport in Tayside?
Transport officials say a “maintenance renewal programme” is needed to improve the
reliability, resilience and safety of the trunk road and motorway network.
The A90 through Dundee and Fort William transport links are two projects identified.
Officials say there should be an “increased investment in strengthening of the trunk road and motorway network over and above current maintenance levels.”
Measures could include carriageway and structure schemes as well as other roadside
infrastructure, such as signage and safety barriers.
They propose creating an “integrated transport plan” for the Dundee trunk road.
The plan also highlights “capacity constraints” at four major stations, including Perth, and commits to ongoing work to tackle them.
ScotRail has proposed cutting Edinburgh/Glasgow–Perth/Dundee rail services.
Here, officials shortlist the line’s infrastructure – as well as the Perth-Dundee- Aberdeen rail connection – for substantial future investment.