Young people across Scotland are being offered £20 of free travel every month for half a year by signing up to a pioneering new travel app.
Young Scot is helping trial NaviGoGo, which will allow people aged between 16 and 25 to organise and book travel on buses, trains or taxis on a single platform.
The app will pull together information on routes, showing users the fastest and cheapest ways to get around the area.
Information on walks, cycle routes and car clubs will also be available.
A six-month pilot trial of NaviGoGo is being launched in Dundee and North Fife, with £20 of free credit being offered on accounts every month to start with.
Eighty young people in the area are being sought to take part.
The trial takes place between October and March 2018.
Young Scot cards can be used to book travel through NaviGoGo.
The app includes a taxi fare splitting calculator, destination and transport reviews, a deal match and links to Young Scot rewards.
Steve Cassidy, director of ESP Group – which is behind the project, said: “We have worked intensively over six months with 16-25 year olds to co-design NaviGoGo. The resounding message we got from these young people was that there is no one-stop-shop for the traveller tailored to their own needs and circumstances.
“As Scotland’s first mobility as a service pilot we’re excited about how the trial will inform future transport information and booking in Scotland and beyond.”
Louise Macdonald, chief executive of Young Scot, said: “It’s brilliant to see the experiences of young people being fully embedded in the design and development of NaviGoGo throughout the whole process.
“We’re excited to hear what your people think about NaviGoGo and for the future for the project.”
NaviGoGo integrates with Young Scot Rewards to provide rewards points to young people choosing active and public transport travel options for different legs of their journey. Reward points can then be exchanged for experiences, kit and other opportunities.
Young people living in Dundee or North Fife, aged between 16 and 25, can register interest in the next stage of the trial here.