The littlest MacNaughties is rushed to the vets this week.
Poor wee Bennie swallows something nasty outside on the lawn. It may have been a bee. Worse, a wasp. Whatever, it drives him crazy.
He runs round like a demented dog. Then he starts to be sick. It is horrible to see a small puppy in such distress.
We try to calm him, but he is beside himself. Hence the emergency vet. On a Sunday. Yes, not cheap, but necessary.
Dogs have eaten far worse
Anyhow, the upshot is, Bennie is given an injection. He sleeps the rest of the day and when he wakes, he seems none the worse for his ordeal.
The naughty Norfolk terrier is lucky. Looking the matter up on a vet site, it appears that dogs have eaten far worse.
In one case, a hapless hound managed to consume a six-inch knife. They had to operate to remove it from his stomach.
You need eyes in the back of your head
Left to his own devices, another mutt ingested two dozen hair bobbles and a button.
Pan scourers, bits of coal, the foam lagging off scullery pipes… You name it, at some stage our poor pooches may have had a go.
You need eyes in the back of your head. And I hope you’ve had eyes on digital platforms this week.
Because by the time you read this, the Royal Highland Showcase will have been streaming into our homes for several days.
I say ‘Showcase’. For whilst there’s judging going on at Ingliston, there are no crowds this year.
Scotland’s biggest agricultural show
Which is a shame. Anyone who’s been to Scotland’s biggest agricultural show knows what an exciting few days it is.
Instead, the farming thrills and spills have been coming virtually, with the usual sheep and cattle competitions being filmed and shown on the internet.
My part was to present the Scottish Championships. And these included the dairy and bread competitions.
The cheese section is one of the best. Watching master fromagers tasting tangy blues and salted cheddars.
Jealously looking on as they dig into silky bries, and a Scottish take on something Swiss…
Then there is the ice-cream section. Of the four judges, three are Italian. Because they are the kings when it comes to this dairy product.
But wait, there’s more…
Yes, the best of Scotland has been on show this week – and, the good news is, you still have today and tomorrow to watch it.
Why am I telling you this?! Well, this year I am not only helping with the filming. I have the great honour of being the 2021 RHS honorary President.
I am told I am only the third female to hold this position in its nearly 200-year-old history.
No-doubt you will write and tell me that is wrong. And that there have been dozens of lady presidents over the years.
Whatever, it is an absolute privilege to be a part of Scotland’s biggest outdoor event.
Although it might be a virtual show, it has been going global. And with luck and a fair wind, next year Ingliston will once again be buzzing.