Has your child or grandchild been a victim of bullying?
Let us know if schools are doing enough about bullying by taking our survey.
Bullying can have a profound effect on the wellbeing and self-esteem of children and the impact may even stay with them through their adult life.
That’s why we have launched a bullying survey – which you can access here – to find out from parents, grandparents and carers if enough is being done to stamp it out.
And with the rise in social media platforms, bullying can take place outside of the school playground and local community.
There are also many forms of bullying including physical, verbal and mental health.
Do you feel schools and social media companies could be doing more to help victims – or are you satisfied with the way a complaint was dealt with?
Please let us know.
Take our bullying survey here
The Schools and Family team at DCT Media is investigating whether schools, local organisations and the government take bullying complaints seriously.
We will provide advice from experts, tales of how people in our community have overcome their own bullying ordeals while also scrutinising approaches to anti-bullying policies.
But first, we want to know your thoughts.
Do you know a child that has been bullied at school, in the local community or even online?
The survey should not take more than 10 minutes to complete and we will use your responses to conduct analysis into the scale of bullying in our local schools – and whether you feel enough is being done to combat it.
You will not be identified personally by the responses you give us.
However, if you do wish to share your experiences with a Schools and Family journalist, you can do at the end of the survey or by emailing rmccurdy@dctmedia.co.uk or schoolsandfamily@thecourier.co.uk.