Parents at an Angus school learned on the first day of term that their head teacher was not returning.
Seaview Primary School’s head teacher was absent before the summer holidays, leaving the depute head teacher to take the reins.
As children returned to school on Tuesday and the Monifieth school welcomed its new cohort of P1 pupils, parents were informed that head teacher Jan Reay had resigned.
Depute head teacher Clare Angus will remain in charge of the 400-pupil school as acting head teacher until December, while a new appointment is made.
A letter informing parents of Mrs Reay’s departure was sent to parents by Angus Council’s education and lifelong learning service leader, Neil Lowden, the day after school staff returned to work.
It said Mrs Reay “has decided to leave her post as head teacher of Seaview Primary School”.
The process of recruiting a new head teacher has started and… a member of the parent council will be fully involved.”
Angus Council
Mr Lowden also said the recruitment process for her replacement had already begun and would involve a member of the parent council.
A spokesperson for Angus Council said: “We can confirm that the head teacher of Seaview Primary has decided to leave her post.
“The process of recruiting a new head teacher has started and, in line with our agreed local procedures, a member of the parent council will be fully involved in the process.”
League table
Seaview Primary School was ranked in the bottom third of a league table of Scottish primary schools published by The Times in January – coming in 859th place out of 1,178 schools included.
As as result, it is understood a petition was submitted to the council by some parents.
Schools were ranked using data on the percentages of pupils achieving expected Curriculum for Excellence standards in core skills including literacy and numeracy.
The council declined to say whether any complaints had been received.
However, Seaview’s last inspection by Education Scotland in 2018 painted a more positive picture, with ratings of very good and good.
Meanwhile, a head teacher is already being sought for another Angus Council school, Muirfield Primary School, in Arbroath.