Disgusting vandals urinated in a nursery sandpit and defecated in the playground of a Glenrothes school.
Southwood Primary School in the town’s Marchmont Crescent has been targeted over the past couple of months in what the head teacher described as a “relentless” campaign of vandalism.
Human excrement has even been found next to play equipment in the nursery area.
Head teacher Victoria Cobbett said: “It’s been almost on a daily basis. It’s just relentless.
“We’ve had someone defecate on the ground, smashed alcohol bottles, you name it.
“The children are heartbroken, when they come in and see their garden like that.”
Ms Cobbet said there had been evidence of young people drinking on the school premises and someone had taken the lid off the tots’ sandpit and urinated in it.
Human faeces were also found in a shed where outdoor pay equipment is stored.
Meanwhile, fires had been started, which damaged the soft playing surface in the nursery garden.
A window at the school was also smashed recently.
The nursery garden had been refurbished during lockdown to provide children in the area, many of whom live in poverty, with vital outdoor play facilities.
“We had quite extensive work done to the nursery prior to the summer, during lockdown,” said Ms Cobbett.
“We got a beautiful new garden and nursery area but it has been targeted repeatedly.
“Play equipment has been trashed and a window was broken the other night.”
Vandals have been targeting the whole school, but the nursery has been worst affected.
Ms Cobbett added: “The cost just goes back to the local authority. This has an impact on everybody, all taxpayers.”
She said the situation had worsened over the past couple of months and appealed to the local community to help tackle the situation.
“We need the whole community to do their bit. People need to know where their children are,” she said.
“And if you see something, contact the police straight away.”
She added:Â “I’ve been head teacher here for nearly nine years and have never seen this level of vandalism.
“I’ve got amazing staff and a new janitor who is fantastic.
“We’ve got such a dedicated team and this is just heartbreaking.”
Police Scotland confirmed officers were investigating a recent incident of vandalism at the school.
A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: “On Monday, November 9, officers received a report of vandalism that had taken place over the weekend at a nursery playground at Southwood Primary School in Marchmont Crescent, Glenrothes.
“Enquiries are continuing into this incident.
“Anyone with information that may assist our enquiry should contact Glenrothes Police Office through 101 quoting reference number 0466 of November 9.”