The top-rated nurseries in the Stirling Council area have been revealed.
Information collated by The Courier’s data team shows which nurseries rank best among Care Inspectorate officials, who use a scale of 6 (excellent) to 1 (unsatisfactory) to rate childcare providers.
The nurseries are ranked based on their average of each Care Inspectorate grade, with the presence of upheld complaints acting as tiebreakers for services with the same average.
Wellgreen Nursery – 5.5
Scoring “very good” in two areas and “excellent” across two, Wellgreen Nursery in the city centre comes in joint first place, with a high score of 5.5.
In its latest Care Inspectorate report, officials praised the “warmth and care” of the “understanding” staff employed at the Stirling Council-run facility.
The nursery environment was described as “well-designed, comfortable, stimulating and safe”.
One parent told inspectors: “I wholeheartedly trust everyone in the service.
“I am very grateful for everything they have done for my child and my family.”
Riverside Out of School Care – 5.5
Based at Riverside Primary School, Riverside Out of School Care shares the title of Stirling’s best performing nursery.
Once again, it was deemed “excellent” in two areas and “very good” in two others by the Care Inspectorate.
“Kind and caring” staff were also described as “committed and enthusiastic”.
Staff were commended for having “an excellent understanding of children’s interests”.
Inspectors said the children at the nursery were “exceptionally independent and demonstrated high levels of confidence in this highly inclusive and enabling environment.”
Psychology Kindergarten – 5
Found at the University of Stirling near Bridge of Allan, Psychology Kindergarten is next on the list and also highly rated by assessors.
Here, children are cared for within the university’s psychology department, and students conduct real-life studies on child development.
The facility was rated “very good” in all categories.
Psychology Kindergarten’s latest report says there was evidence staff at the nursery “had developed meaningful relationships with children and families which supported children to flourish and thrive.”
“Calm, warm, and positive interactions by staff” helped children to feel “happy and safe”, with a “sense of belonging.”
Kippen Playgroup and Toddlers – 5
Kippen Playgroup and Toddlers day care was also rated “very good” across the board, with “consistently high quality care” as a result of employees’ “skills, knowledge and experience”.
Inspectors noted that children attending the nursery were “having fun, actively leading their own play, and were fully engaged.”
It was observed that the children at Kippen Playgroup “benefitted from regular access to outdoor learning and the local community.”
Parents said: “We always feel we are listened to”.
Creche & Play Programmes – 5
Run by Stirling Council, the Creche & Play Programmes day care service operates from a number of settings across Stirling to support children and families in the area.
The latest Care Inspectorate report rated both the service’s quality of care and support and quality of staffing as “very good”.
Inspectors commented that children receiving care were “happy and settled”.
They added: “There was a sense of fun alongside a calm atmosphere where children
were nurtured and comforted when they needed this.”
One parent told the Care Inspectorate their child “always wants to come back” to the nursery service provided here.
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