Thirty-one patients and staff at a Fife hospital have now tested positive for Covid-19.
The increase in cases follows a small outbreak within Balcurvie Ward at Cameron Hospital in Windygates, where fewer than five people were confirmed as having the virus on Friday.
Visiting remains suspended on the ward, except for patients receiving end-of-life care.
Enhanced cleaning and decontamination has been implemented to reduce the chance of any further spread.
NHS Fife issued an update on the position on Tuesday afternoon, when it also confirmed Kirkcaldy Health Centre has been temporarily closed to routine appointments.
A number of practice staff have been required to isolate following contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.
Tuesday’s appointments across all of the centre’s three practices were postponed and a further update will be issued as soon as possible regarding appointments for the rest of the week.
Anyone in need of an urgent review or assessment can contact their practice by phone.
Meanwhile, 83 students and staff linked to St Andrews University have now tested positive for coronavirus since the start of September, up from 72 on Friday.
NHS Fife said there was evidence of a potential link between some of the cases but that the figure also included some sporadic cases resulting from prolonged close contact with cases outwith Fife.
The board’s health protection team said it was working closely with university staff to prevent further infection.
Contact tracers are working to identify and contact known contacts of the positive cases.
An NHS Fife spokesperson said: “While we are aware of limited student-to-student transfer of the virus in some areas, there is no evidence of widespread transmission within the university or indeed the wider community at this stage.”