Residents of two Fife coastal towns were roused from their sleep in the early hours by noise emanating from a street party seven miles away.
A “massive” street party celebrating the art school degree show took place at Dundee University Student’s Union on Friday night, featuring bands and DJs playing through loudspeakers outside until the small hours.
The noise generated by the Airlie Place event was so loud, and continued for so long, residents living across the River Tay in the villages of Newport and Wormit were left in red-eyed disbelief well into Saturday morning.
One resident, who lives on Riverside Road in Wormit, said she had to put ear-plugs in to fall asleep on Friday night.
She said: “When there are concerts on Slessor Gardens, I am sure they have to be over and done with by 11.30pm.
“I appreciate it was a one-off party, but the noise did seem to go on until at least 1am.
“All of our neighbours have been talking about it. It sounded like it was really close, to the point where people thought it was a house party in Wormit.
“I have nieces in the university and I was a student once too and understand these things happen, but I do think the effects of the party on people living across the water haven’t been taken into consideration.
“I wrote to the university, but they just responded by saying it wasn’t them who were blame.”
Tay Bridgehead Lib Dem Councillor Jonny Tepp, said: “I did wonder what the noise was and where it was coming from.
“No-one has submitted any official complaints to myself or council colleagues, but I could actually hear the party which went on for some time.
“The street party very clearly had an impact on residents in Newport and Wormit.
“It can all depend on the weather and at certain times you can hear very clearly what is happening in Dundee from the Fife coast and this was certainly the case on this occasion.
“I will be raising this with my constituency colleague Councillor Tim Brett to see if any complaints are brought up and if so we will certainly raise them with the relevant authorities across the water.
“The real issue for me is that this licensed event went on for too long. Surely the outside music should have stopped at 11pm, like when there are concerts in Slessor Gardens.”
A spokesperson for Dundee University said the street party was organised by the Dundee University Students’ Association and that any issues would be a matter for them and Dundee City Council.
The spokesman added they were aware of one letter of complaint received by the institution.
A spokesperson for the council said no noise complaints had been raised to them by residents living in Dundee. No one from the Dundee University Students’ Association responded to queries.