Welcome to The Courier’s schools catchment checker.
Our interactive Schools Checker resource allows you to find out which schools serve the area you live in or are moving to.
It also provides information about each council-run primary and secondary school in Tayside and Fife, including how many pupils there are and the latest inspection results.
We have pulled together data on every local authority school – all 330 of them – in the Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth and Kinross council areas.
Enter your postcode
Simply by entering your postcode, you can use our Schools Checker to find out which primary and secondary schools serve your catchment area.
You can then find a wealth of information about the schools in the maps below, also including the condition of the school buildings and how many teachers there are in proportion to the number of pupils.
We tell you when the school was last inspected by HM Inspectors of Education, the date given by the month and the year.
For secondary schools, we also show the percentage of pupils who left with five or more Higher qualifications in 2019.
In the following charts we give the outcomes of schools’ latest inspections using the quality indicator ratings given by inspectors. For some schools it is some years since they were last inspected so findings may be less relevant.
The resource is likely to be helpful to parents of children about to embark on school life as they apply for their places to become primary one pupils in August.
P1 enrolment and placing requests
Those hoping to send their children to schools outside their catchment area also require to make placing requests for the new school year.
In Fife parents of children soon to start P1 usually have until mid-February to apply for their place, while the deadline for placing requests is in March.
Dundee parents usually have until late January or early February to apply.
In Angus P1 enrolment and placing requests are usually made in January.
P1 enrolment for Perth and Kinross Council schools is usually in January, while the placing request deadline is in March.