Councillors are being asked to fire the starting gun on a consultation over a shared campus for two Arbroath primary schools.
In the latest stage of the multi-million pound Arbroath schools project, Hayshead and St Thomas are being looked at as possible candidates for a new arrangement which could come into being by October 2018.
Education officials have emphasised that the schools would retain their individual identities if the same site move goes ahead.
Angus children and learning committee councillors will be brought up to date on the progress of the second and third phases of the county’s schools project, which has seen the opening of replacement Warddykes and Timmergreens primaries for the new school session.
However, that has not come without controversy after it emerged Timmergreens opened last month at 106% capacity – 14 pupils above its suggested limit of 217 pupils – leading local councillor Ewan Smith to brand the school “not fit for purpose”.
Hayshead, Ladyloan and Muirfield are next on the programme for new builds and the provision of early years and ASN (Additional Support Needs) accommodation is part of the latest update.
Officials say funding for the increased early years provision which will be required has yet to be established. but to avoid any delays the intention is to include that aspect in the initial designs.
The authority has now also expressed confidence that it can carry out the Ladyloan project without a full or partial decant of pupils.
Strategic director Margo Williamson will also tell councillors that there has so far been no resistance to the vision for Hayshead and St Thomas.
Her report states: “Informal consultation in relation to a shared campus has been carried out with pupils, parents/carers and school staff.
“A consultation evening was held in June with 30 people attending. There were 24 written responses with 23 in support of a shared campus and one unsure without further information.
“There were no responses against a shared campus.
“A shared campus would involve the closure of the current St Thomas primary school building following their relocation into a new campus.
“The individual school identities and ethos would remain.
“Both schools would have their own teaching spaces and shared ancillary spaces including halls and general purpose rooms.
“If a shared campus is to be developed for Hayshead/St Thomas a detailed delivery programme will be finalised once the outcome of the consultation is known.
“However, if the consultation period is concluded within a three-month timeframe it is expected that the building could be ready for occupation from October 2018.”