The head teacher of Waid Academy has written to parents to reassure them following two incidents of violence at the school.
Scott Duncan has sent a letter to concerned parents after The Courier reported on the incidents which took place on Monday.
Police were not immediately contacted but the force is now aware of both incidents.
Waid head teacher reassures parents
In the letter, obtained by The Courier, Mr Duncan said he wanted to ‘take the opportunity to reassure’ parents about the school’s processes, but said he couldn’t comment on the individual incidents to protect the confidentiality of the young people involved.
He wrote: “I would like to reassure you that Police Scotland are aware of both incidents at the school this week and we are working with our local community police who are providing support.
“However, I would like to reassure you around processes when such incidents occur.
“If a fight is in process and reported to the school, then a member of the senior leadership team will attend immediately as soon as we are aware of the situation.
“In any situation our first priority is to de-escalate the issue and ensure any first aid needs are met.
“If there are incidents of fighting reported to the school after the event, then these are fully investigated.”
He went on to say that the parents of those involved are contacted and the situation is discussed either on the phone or they are asked to come into the school.
Working closely with families
Mr Duncan continued: “Appropriate and proportionate consequences will then be put in place.
“It is then important to work closely with families to support any young person and ensure appropriate planning is put in place to ensure young people feel safe and also to support and help young person to reflect and work on escalated behaviours.”
He said all actions taken are in line with Fife Council serious incident protocols and that the school works with a wide range of partners and support agencies to work with young people.
Mr Duncan said he wants all young people to feel safe and supported at Waid Academy.
He said when they are made aware of potential issues, safety protocols are put in place for the young person involved.
Mr Duncan said they will continue to work with young people to talk about the impact of such incidents and what to do if they see such incidents.
Misuse of social media
He also said misuse of social media can be ‘problematic’ for young people and that the school will continue to share information about the law on social media and responsible use.
He added: “These behaviours are not tolerated in this school and not what we expect of our young people.
“You will know, as parents, that these instances are not representative of the vast majority of pupils within The Waid Academy, of whom we are very proud.
“One of the key strengths of this school is the support we receive from you as parents and from the wider community.
“We appreciate the support you give us.”