Last week we enjoyed a family break in London while my kids should have been in school.
Like a growing number of children across Scotland, my son Alex and daughter Edie were absent from classes for a few days for a holiday.
Last year more than one in three schoolchildren – 36% – recorded a family holiday absence.
But what are the rules for taking term time holidays in Scotland? And what are the pros and cons?
The timing of our break just after the Easter holidays was for a specific purpose.
Alex, 12, and Edie, 10, wanted to see Dad, Keith, run the London Marathon.
And we decided to see extend the trip and see the sights while we were there.
Holiday prices when schools break off
For many, though, the soaring cost of holidays dictates when they jet off for a fortnight in the sun.
I looked at the cost of a two-week holiday for a family of four in Tenerife at several points throughout 2025.
The Spanish island’s climate makes it attractive year-round so weather shouldn’t influence the price as it might for some other places.
The holiday would cost £5371 in August, almost double its May price tag of £2851.
Prices also peaked in the April and October holidays.
How do parents feel about kids missing school for a family trip?
We asked parents on social media whether they were willing to take their kids out of school for a family holiday.
Most said they were, citing cost-savings, inability to take their own leave during school holidays and the importance of quality family time.
Wendy Miller said: “Holidays are an introduction to the wider world, interesting and educational and valuable family time.
“If businesses priced holidays fairly all year round, we wouldn’t need to take them out of school to save some money.”
Due to their jobs, Jenny Donald and her partner struggle to always get leave during the school holidays.
“So, we take out children out of school for a week,” she said.
“Family time is extremely important to us so we can all unwind and have family fun.”
Shan Egerton saved thousands of pounds on a two-week trip to Disney World during term time.
Amy Murray would avoid taking her child out of school at times like exams or if they were struggling but said: “We’ve done it a few times and hasn’t had any impact on my child’s work so will continue to do so!
“Holidays are for making memories and that’s what kids will remember when they grow up!”
Why do travel agents hike prices in school holidays?
According to Sean Tipton, from travel association ABTA, holiday costs go up due to “a simple matter of supply and demand”.
“If you look at overseas holidays, we are in competition with German, Dutch and other holidaymakers who all want to go on holiday around the same time.
“If you are a Spanish hotelier that’s when you make your money so you put your prices up.”
He added: “What we can’t do is put prices down while demand is high. You would need to make up for that and put prices up when demand is low.”
His advice to parents was: “Book as early as possible and if you are booking a package holiday you will almost certainly get a free child place if you book in January or February.”
Is family time valued more post-Covid?
Local schools have noticed the increase in term time family holidays.
During a recent chat about declining attendance rates, a Dundee primary head teacher told me that people’s experiences of Covid and lockdown seemed to have fuelled that.
Lesley-Anne Weir said: “There’s been a refocus on family priorities around spending time with family.
“So holidays, celebrations, taking days off where actually families wouldn’t have done that before, we’ve seen an increase in that in primary school.”
Can parents be fined for term time holidays in Scotland?
Unlike in England, parents in Scotland won’t be fined for taking term holidays.
Scottish education authorities can take legal action – such as seeking an attendance order – in cases of persistent poor attendance but it’s rare for them to do so.
Schools do, however, advise strongly against term time holidays, and in most cases record absences as unauthorised.
How much absence is a problem?
Poor attendance, they stress, impacts on a child’s attainment.
Indeed Education Scotland cites evidence that a child’s attainment and achievement is affected by attendance below 90%.
That’s missing 19 days of school in one year – so just five days on top of a fortnight in the sun.
Schools strongly advise against absences
Head teachers say holiday absences can impact on whole classes and even schools.
They can throw out teachers’ assessment schedules, disrupt classes on pupils’ return and cause behavioural issues if the child falls behind.
Perth and Kinross Council advice to parents states: “[The council] is not stopping you from taking your child out of school for a family holiday.
“It is, however, bringing to your attention that this can have a detrimental effect on your child’s education.”
In Fife, Shelagh McLean, head of education and children’s services, said that “as a rule headteachers actively discourage parents from taking children out of school during term time.
Exceptional circumstances
“The council always monitors attendance and reasons for absence. We continually work with schools, pupils and families, taking action where necessary.”
An Angus Council spokesperson said: “Schools will not normally give a family permission to take pupils out of school for holidays unless under very exceptional circumstances, for example parents are members of uniformed services such as police, fire service, armed services, etc.
“Any unauthorised absence would be recorded as such.”
A Stirling Council spokesperson said: “Absences from school, regardless of reason, disrupt learning.
“It is important that family holidays are arranged during the holiday period.”
Our rich educational experience
Instead of a reprimand, my emails to my kids’ schools notifying them of their forthcoming absence were responded to with well wishes for or trip.
I wouldn’t choose to have them missing school for holidays every year.
But we felt the family memories we made in London were worth a few days of missed classes.
And for our budding paleontologist Alex, our tour of the Natural History Museum’s dinosaur exhibits might be among the richest educational experiences he’ll ever have.