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KT Tunstall reveals why ‘rare’ St Andrews return will be so special

We chat to KT Tunstall ahead of her gig in Crieff on Friday and in her hometown of St Andrews on Saturday.

KT Tunstall.
Check out KT Tunstall's 'punk grey'. Image: Supplied.

KT Tunstall is brimming with energy as she prepares for a special hometown gig in St Andrews.

“It’s such an exciting time – there’s so much to celebrate,” she enthuses.

The Suddenly I See singer is on her way to perform at Crieff’s Strathearn Arts on Friday – and on Saturday she’ll head to her hometown of St Andrews to play at the Byre Theatre.

Both gigs form part of James Yorkston’s Tae Sup Wi’ A Fifer tour, and feature KT and Johnny Lynch’s Pictish Trail.

Why will Byre gig be emotional?

KT, who turns 50 in June, says the Byre gig will be particularly poignant.

“I’m in Fife so rarely, so it’s a real treat coming back to St Andrews,” she says.

“The Byre is going to be really emotional. It’s the first place I was ever on stage – when I was eight.

KT Tunstall will play Strathearn Arts in Crieff on February 7, and the Byre Theatre in St Andrews on February 8. Image: Supplied.

“I was in a little theatre group for kids called Stage One, run by Alan and Carole Tricker.

“They were great at teaching us how to project in the theatre, and how to relax before a show.

“I have a very vivid memory of going on stage for the first time there, and thinking, ‘this is amazing, I’m enjoying myself, and me enjoying myself is making other people enjoy themselves’.

“That’s the core of what I do and always have done since then.”

Hanging out in her hometown

Will KT have a chance to hang out in St Andrews this weekend?

She hopes so.

“I’ll definitely try and get a walk around town. I’m sure it’ll be quite different from when I was last there.”

She says she’s “really disappointed” to miss the 50th anniversary of Lawhead Primary School, where she was a pupil.

“I’d have gone to see the kids if it was a week day! I’ve got such good memories of the school, particularly of the music and art departments.”

KT Tunstall can’t wait to return to Fife. Image: Supplied.

Her gig in St Andrews will also be a chance to catch up with friends and family.

“Kenny Anderson, aka King Creosote, is one of my biggest mentors. He’s in East Neuk now, so who knows,” she says.

“And my first kiss at school was with the ‘new boy’, Chris Fenton.

“His 27-year-old daughter, Poppy Fenton, is now an amazing makeup artist in St Andrews.

“I remember meeting her as a baby – and now she’s my new bestie. I’ll be seeing her this weekend. She’s doing my makeup for some filming.”

“And my mum’s coming up to see the show with some old neighbours which is nice.”

