The silo at the former Sugar Beet Factory in Cupar
When the only sugar beet factory in Scotland was built just outside Cupar in 1926, it was a response to a shortage of sugar in Britain after the First World War.
Today, the 58 metre high silo, built by the Government owned British Sugar Corporation in 1964 stands empty. Visible for miles around, it is an iconic reminder of the important part the factory played in the economy and social structure over a wide area.
Now, it is to feature in a pioneering digital sound art and music project which aims to make use of some of Scotland’s most interesting acoustic spaces.
Produced by Sam Annand, Craig Gallacher, Paul Gault and Scott Gordon, the concept of Resono is to compose, perform and record compositions specifically for a series of particularly reverberant locations using impulse response digital audio technology, then to replay them back into the space in front of an audience.
*Resono , The Silo, Cupar Trading Estate, Cupar – May 21. More info.