A talented dancer who has performed around the world is to return to her home city for a show in Dundee.
Taylor Han has taken to the stage with several high profile dance groups since she took her first steps as a child.
The graduate of the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland and the London Contemporary Dance School is heading to the Space, at Dundee and Angus College, where she was once a student.
She will perform with members of the dance school’s postgraduate EDGE dance company on Thursday April 18 and lead classes for students.
She said: “Returning to Dundee to perform will make it very special and I will be able to catch up with members of my family.
“I also am really excited to be teaching at the college where I was once a student and hopefully I can bring the next generation along.”
Taylor, 22, began dance classes at an early age and at 13 she went on to join the Scottish Dance Theatre’s Youth Dance Company.
She spent four years with the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland, touring the world to perform as far afield as India and Belgium.
Following a year of training with the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance at the Space in Dundee, she moved to London to take up a BA (Hons) in Contemporary Dance.
After three years in the capital she graduated with a first class degree from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.
The former Monifieth High School pupil said: ” Travelling with the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance helped me to decide that I wanted to be in dance in the future.
“Moving to London was really exciting for me but I missed home and my family when I was away.
“There was a lot of hard work and practise which takes up a lot of time.
“The other day we were practising between 8am and 11pm so it was long, long day and we had to keep energy levels up, but we get the rewards when we perform.”
She finished her degree in June 2018 then embarked on a one-year masters at London Contemporary Dance School.
Taylor said: “I would love to perform and teach dance for a living and that is something I will look into.
“I still live in London but I would probably travelling to and forth between London and Dundee.”
The EDGE dance company show will see Taylor and her fellow dancers head to Salzburg, in Austria, for a date before they travel to Dundee.
They will also perform on stage at Casa das Artes, in Portugal, and the Alexander Theatre, Helsinki, in Finland, among other venues.
The show at the Space, on Old Glamis Road, starts at 7.30pm and tickets are ÂŁ10 via spacetickets@dundeeandangus.ac.uk or on the door.