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Dundee United fan reveals what happens behind the scenes on The Chase

Campbell Finlayson spoke to The Courier about his 'great experience' on the show.

Campbell Finlayson reveals what happens behind the scenes on the chase
Campbell Finlayson appeared on Thursday night's show. Image: STV

A Dundee United fan has revealed what happens behind the scenes on the hit ITV quiz show The Chase.

Campbell Finlayson, who is the match announcer at Arbroath FC, was knocked out by Shaun ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Wallace on Thursday’s show. 

The 25-year-old was first to face the chaser and earned a modest £5,000 in the cash builder round and took the middle offer.

However, he was unfortunately caught just one question from safety.

The 25-year-old earned £5,000 in the cash builder
The 25-year-old earned £5,000 in the cash builder. Image: STV

Despite the disappointment, Campbell says he thoroughly enjoyed his experience and has given fans a peek behind the scenes.

Speaking to The Courier, he said: “The show was filmed a year ago to the day on Saturday so it’s been a long time coming.

“I just saw the application online and thought; why not give it a go?

“I went through the application process and progressed to an online audition where they asked a few fairly simple questions about me.

“After getting through that stage, the next thing they asked about was filming dates.”

Campbell was caught by chaser Shaun Wallace on Thursdays show.
Campbell was caught by chaser Shaun Wallace on Thursday’s show. Image: STV

Campbell, originally from Glasgow,  went down to the Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, near Warford, in March 2024, and was put up in a nearby hotel the night before.

The following day, he and his fellow contestants were taken to the studio and shown around the set before filming began.

Campbell added: “We were the last show filmed on the day so we got to see how it all worked.

‘The hardest part was not telling anyone what happened’

“Bradley Walsh was really friendly with us all, he took a genuine interest in what we had to say.

“He had a lot of time for us which made us feel wanted especially given the fact it was the third show of the day.

“It might be a daunting experience for some, but we were all well looked after by the team.”

Campbell says host Bradley Walsh took a genuine interest in the contestants.
Campbell says host Bradley Walsh took a genuine interest in the contestants. Image: STV

The Tesco Express worker also revealed the contestants don’t know which chaser they’ll be facing before they walk out.

The 25-year-old, who studied sports journalism at university, said he enjoyed the experience of seeing how the show is put together.

He added: “Unfortunately, the show didn’t go quite how I wanted.

“The hardest part has been knowing what happens for so long and not telling anyone.

“It was a great experience around – I watch the show when I can – so it’s interesting to see how it all comes together.

“The reaction from most people has been great – some of my other teammates were getting some stick so that’s taken the heat off me a bit.

“I’m really glad I did it – I’ll remember being on the show for the rest of my life.”

Thursday night’s episode is available to watch on the STV Player.
