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Arbroath butcher triumphs in UK’s first Black Pudding Championship

D H Robertson’s black pudding went head-to-head with the UK’s best in London… and WON! Taste the victory with their secret recipe!

Champion of Champions Black Pudding winner Steven Bennett of DH Robertson in Arbroath.
Image: Graeme Hart,
Perthshire Picture Agency
Champion of Champions Black Pudding winner Steven Bennett of DH Robertson in Arbroath. Image: Graeme Hart, Perthshire Picture Agency

A small Arbroath butcher shop has claimed the top spot in the UK’s first-ever Black Pudding Champion of Champions competition.

D H Robertson, a family-run butcher, took on the best black pudding makers from across the country in a heated contest in London.

They won the trophy with a secret pre-World War Two formula, slightly refined to perfection.

UK Champion of Champions Black Pudding winner Steven Bennett of DH Robertson in Arbroath pictured with his wife Pamela and daughter Arianne. Image: Graeme Hart, Perthshire Picture Agency.

Owner Steven Bennett, still reeling from the victory, described the moment as “overwhelming.”

Beating the English competition

“We were up against some incredible competition, and to come out on top is just fantastic.”

The competition, organised by Scottish Craft Butchers, National Craft Butchers, and the Q Guild of Butchers, could become a regular showdown between the UK’s best black pudding makers.

Steven’s award-winning pudding had already impressed judges in Scotland, earning him the title of East of Scotland and reserve national Scottish champion.

But stepping up to the UK level was a whole new challenge – one that saw his family recipe go head-to-head with England’s finest.

Their secret recipe

They also won the title of best beef link banger in the 2022 Scottish Craft Butchers Awards.

The winning black pudding traces its roots back to Doug Robertson, a former owner of the shop, whose old recipe book came with the business.

UK Champion of Champions Black Pudding winner Steven Bennett of DH Robertson with Gordon King, executive manager at Scottish Craft Butchers. Image: Graeme Hart, Perthshire Picture Agency.

“We reckon it dates back before the World War Two,” Steven explained.

“Our customers have loved it for generations, but I decided to tweak it a little to suit modern tastes – and it worked!”

His hand-mixed, small-batch black pudding is now putting Arbroath on the map for more than just its famous Smokies.

“It’s incredible that a small family business in a coastal town in Scotland can take on the giants of the industry and win,” he said.

Pride in small team

“I’m beyond proud of my team – this is something I never imagined in my wildest dreams.”

Steven believes black pudding originally came to Scotland from France and England, but Scots adapted it to suit their own tastes.

UK Champion of Champions Black Pudding winner Steven Bennett of DH Robertson in Arbroath. Image: Graeme Hart, Perthshire Picture Agency.

“For our version to beat the English is quite something!” he joked.

As for the winning recipe? That remains a closely guarded secret.

With a team of 12 – including his wife, Pam, and daughter, Ariane – Steven has been ramping up production in preparation for National Black Pudding Day on Tuesday, March 18.

Taste the best

“Our black pudding is made with Scottish ingredients and love,” he said. “And if people want to taste the UK’s best, we’re happy to work around the clock to meet demand.”

Gordon King, executive manager of Scottish Craft Butchers, hailed the win as a proud moment for Scotland’s independent butchers.

“This was truly a battle of the Titans,” he said. “Every competitor was already a champion, making this an incredibly tough contest.

DH Robertson’s win proves that Scotland’s small producers can stand tall on the UK stage.”
