It’s a subject that causes great debate – contacting your GP surgery.
A new Scottish Government survey reveals people’s experiences of accessing their GP practice.
But as we highlight a selection of the results they received for NHS Tayside, we’re asking if you agree?
TheĀ Health and Care Experience Survey has been conducted every two years since 2009.
PHS selected names and addresses at random from all those who are registered with a GP Practice in Scotland, aged 17 and over.
They were contacted and asked for feedback on experiences accessing GP services, amongst others.
Contacting your GP
Participants gave responses to a variety of questions and we’ve highlighted a selection of them below.
Interestingly, and perhaps the question that will cause debate in the wider community, is the issue of contacting your local surgery.
When asked how easy is it to contact your GP in the way that you want, for the NHS Tayside board area, the survey reveals:
- Of the 7,163 responses received 77% were positive
- That’s statistically higher than the national figure of 75%
- The Tayside figure has fallen from 85% in 2020.
A mix of positive and negative
When we asked a local Dundee Facebook group what it was like to contact GP surgeries, a range of views were expressed.
It’s fair to say there’s positive and negative experiences across the Tayside area.
Some highlight the struggle they have to get through on the phone, while others praised their local surgery and care they receive.
Getting through on the phone
Getting through to make an appointment first thing in the morning was an issue highlighted.
Others state the multiple number of times they have to call before getting into the queue.
Karen Shaw from Dundee says she’s still waiting for an appointment after being asked to choose which ailment she wanted to discuss.
She says: “I called my GP over 100 times a few weeks ago.
“I finally got through to be asked by the receptionist to choose which problem was more important as I could only discuss one issue. Still waiting on an appointment.”
Another patient from Dundee said it took more than 700 calls to get through. She admits this is “exceptional” but says it’s not uncommon “for a high number of attempts to be needed”.
‘All staff are very caring’
But many were keen to defend and praise the services they receive from a number of different surgeries across Tayside.
Lynn Boyle says: “Westgate Medical Practice are outstanding, all staff are very caring.
“They saved my life twice during a pandemic and continue to look after me like family.”
Sue Murray says she’s also with Westgate: “They have been amazing throughout the pandemic – they were before and have been great since opening up.
“I really can’t give them enough praise.”
What do you think?
Contacting your surgery and getting an appointment is something we’ve highlighted previously.
We’ve talked about the reasons behind some of the issues and what needs to be done as well as spoken to the GP community.
We’d like to hear what you think and are keen to know your views on both sides through our poll below and in our comments section.