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Covid Scotland: Do I still need my vaccine passport for travel this summer?

You may need to use your vaccine passport if you're travelling this summer. Photo by Jane Barlow/PA Wire.
You may need to use your vaccine passport if you're travelling this summer. Photo by Jane Barlow/PA Wire.

The summer holidays are here and you might be looking forward to a trip abroad for the first time in a while.

Vaccine passports haven’t been used in Scotland for entry into bars, clubs and other venues since February.

But do you still need to provide proof of vaccination when travelling?

And how do you get your proof if you’ve deleted the app?

We’re answering all your questions about vaccine passport rules when travelling this summer.

Do I need my vaccine passport if I’m travelling abroad?

It depends where you’re travelling, but many countries still have Covid-19 entry requirements.

For example, in Spain you must either show proof of full vaccination, a negative Covid test, or proof of recovering from the virus in the past six months to enter the country.

In France, anyone over the age of 12 must also show proof of vaccination.

However, in countries such as Finland, Greece, Italy and Portugal, there are no longer vaccination or testing requirements to enter.

To find out if you need to show proof of vaccination, or learn about testing requirements, visit the UK Government’s website on foreign travel advice for your holiday destination.

What do I do if I’ve deleted the vaccine passport app?

With Scotland no longer using the app domestically, you’d be forgiven for uninstalling it from your phone in recent months.

However, the app is easy enough to redownload if you need it for travel.

All you need to do is go to the app store on your phone,Ā from the Apple App StoreĀ orĀ Google Play for Android.

If you want to search for it on the Apple App Store, searchĀ ā€˜Covid Status Scotlandā€™.

To search for the app on the Google Play Store, searchĀ ā€˜Scot NHSā€™.

Once downloaded, you’ll be asked to log in with your email and password. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can request a verification code to be sent to your email.

This will enable you to reset your password.

You’ll then be asked to set up a four-digit pin code which you’ll use to log in every time you open the app.

Your vaccine history and any PCR test results should show up immediately.

What if I don’t have a smartphone?

If you don’t have a smartphone or would rather have a paper copy of your vaccine record for travelling, there are other options available.

To get a paper copy of your proof of vaccination, you can phone the Covid-19 Status Helpline on 0808 196 8565.

The paper record will then be posted to the address on your GP’s records.

You can get proof of a medical exemption to the Covid vaccine by phoning the helpline too.

It’s also possible to get your vaccine record online. Simply log in to the online portal to get your proof of vaccination.

Your username will be on any texts you’ve received from TestProtect. You can also find it on previous letters from the NHS confirming a Covid vaccine appointment.
