Gayle joins a mindful photography workshop on the banks of a secret Perthshire loch – and pops in for a swim
Sunlight dapples through the trees and warms my skin as I sit beneath the leafy canopy.
I’m listening to the sounds of the forest – a tweeting bird, a buzzing bee, the distant bellow of a cow – and I sense some tiny insect feathering its way up my arm.
My breathing is deep and I allow Kelly McIntyre’s soothing voice to wash over me like a wave of pure relaxation.
I’m taking part in one of her mindful photography workshops – on the banks of a ‘secret’ loch near Blairgowrie – and it’s absolute bliss.
There are eight of us here this afternoon, and, having walked through woodland to reach this stunning spot, we sit in a circle and informally introduce ourselves.
Kelly then invites us to close our eyes and get comfortable – you can sit, or lie on the forest floor if you prefer.
Guided meditation
Taking us through a brief guided meditation, she encourages us to connect with the present moment, to be still, calm, and release any feelings of tension.
We need to try to block out any intrusive thoughts, and focus on our breathing, which is often easier said than done.
The plan, once Kelly has grounded us in the ‘here and now’, is to go off on a wee wander, exploring our natural surroundings.
The focus of the workshop is ‘patterns’ – and, rather than snapping absolutely everything in sight, we’re to take just a handful of shots.
It’s a chance to stop, think, deliberate and really consider what we’re taking photos of, and why.
Overwhelming beauty
There’s so much beauty here it’s overwhelming – trees, a loch, distant hills and meadows. Where to begin?
I’ve a habit of trying to encapsulate everything in a single frame, but often, it doesn’t make the greatest photo – especially when my ‘camera’ is a Google Pixel phone.
Kelly suggests scaling things back, shrinking it all down, and zoning in on the small stuff; the things that really resonate.
I gravitate towards the trunk of an old tree, noticing how gnarled the wood is, rather like the skin of an elephant.
I hone in on a tiny white flower, noting the stunning detail on the petals and the fluffy texture of its stamen. How have I never noticed this before?
I’m also drawn to the loch. It’s tempting to snap the entire body of water, but I resist, instead photographing a series of ripples on the surface.
Mindful photography
Once we’re happy with our photos, we sit down for a chat about our experiences.
One lady describes her delight when she looked inside a foxglove and discovered its unique pattern of delicate spots.
Others talk about surprising textures found on bark and leaves.
Another lady becomes quite emotional when she reveals it’s the first time in ages she’s made time for herself, and allowed herself to simply ‘be’.
Meanwhile, a man shows us his stunning picture of a bee resting on a flower.
Essentially, the session has given us the time to slow down, open our eyes to the possibilities, and accept the things we’re presented with.
Meditation on beauty and nature
It’s a sort of meditation on beauty and nature – on life itself – and not allowing the noise of stressful, energy-zapping thoughts to drown us.
It’s a hot day, and once our ‘work’ is done, Kelly suggests we head into the loch for a dip. Well, of course!
It’s refreshing and invigorating – a true lifter of the spirits and the perfect end to a fabulous session.
While we’re swimming, Kelly shares her thoughts on mindful photography, and tells me what inspired her to run her workshops.
“I’m fully at peace when I lose myself in the beauty of nature,” she muses. “It inspires me, gives me clarity and settles my spirit.
“Crossing ravines, getting lost in valleys, finding waterfalls and lochs to swim in and walking with friends around Perthshire nurtures my sense of adventure and boosts my creativity.”
She says this connection to herself, her friends, and to the environment – the freedom to “play” without judgement – made her want to share that feeling with others, and inspire them to tell their own stories.
Kelly completed a course in mindful photography earlier in the year, solidifying the connection between wellbeing, nature, creativity and self-discovery.
“It brought together so many aspects of my learning and passions – permaculture design, wellness, journaling, and my work with charities and social enterprises,” she says.
“There are so many ways that being in nature is good for you. Adding in photography and being with people is a way of exploring that connection together. You don’t need to be a photographer or think of yourself as being a creative person – it’s letting go of those expectations and exploring them.
“It’s about bringing awareness to what you see, feel and think. It’s a welcome chance to escape for a few hours to explore the practise of mindful photography through a lens of presence.”
Kelly describes her mindful meditation as an invitation to be present, connecting all our senses “to the wind in the trees, the ripples in the water, the grass under our feet – an immersion in the beauty of nature”.
She elaborates: ““The photography aspect looks at patterns of nature and focuses our attention on colour, light, shadow, texture, movement, what we see and how we see it.”
- Kelly is running a mindful photography workshop in Perth Concert Hall at 2.45pm on Sunday August 20 as part of Perth and Kinross Mental Health and Wellbeing Festival, No need to book but turn up early to secure a space. You don’t need a camera – your mobile phone is fine.
- The session is one of many events running during the festival on August 19 and 20. traumahealingtogether.org.uk
- Kelly creates film and photography for charities, the public sector, social enterprises and various businesses. Her next step is to set up her own social enterprise, hosting mindful photography and video workshops to promote mental wellbeing. kellymcintyre.co.uk