Fitness coach Joanna Waz, owner of Wazfit Studio, in Kinross kick-starts her day with a mug of hot water before following it up with a cup of black coffee.
And then she really gets started. Here she shares her own personal daily routine.
“On a weekday I normally get up at around 7.30am, after around eight hours sleep.
“As I teach exercise classes in the morning, I find for myself it’s better when I don’t eat breakfast.
“Most of the time I will wake up, put the kettle on and have a mug of hot water.
“The hot water hydrates my body.
“I will drink half of the mug so it fills up my stomach – cleaning up after sleeping.
“After that I will have a cup of black coffee – with no sugar or sweetener.
An isotonic drink during fitness classes
“Often during my fitness classes in the morning I will have an isotonic drink which I really like.
“It has extra vitamins in it.
“I will also try and drink as much water during my classes as I can to keep my body hydrated.
“I won’t have any snacks mid-morning I just wait to eat until lunchtime when I will have a healthy lunch.
Prawns, vegetables and rice for lunch
“I like to have a mixture of things for lunch.
“I often like to mix prawns with some vegetables and quite often I will have rice with it.
“Rice is good because it is a little bit protein and a little bit carbohydrate but not too much.
“Then I will even add avocado, cucumber, tomato and maybe put in a little bit of mayonnaise to make it tastier.
“Or sometimes I will have an omelette or soup for lunch. The soups I like are chicken, lentil, broth.
“I am originally from Poland – I came to Scotland in 2006 – so I also like Polish beetroot soup.
“I will drink water with this and probably have a second black coffee. I would never drink fizzy juice – too much sugar.
Fish or grilled chicken breast with veg for dinner?
“For dinner I quite like eating different types of fish. So I might have salmon with some roast vegetables and some gluten-free pasta.
“Or I might have salmon with boiled potatoes, vegetables and salad.
“I try to eat as many fresh vegetables as possible to keep it healthy.
“Another type of fish I will have is seabass – again with potatoes, vegetables or salad.
“I also quite like grilled chicken breast with boiled potatoes and extra vegetables.
“I don’t eat fruit as it can be quite acidic which doesn’t agree with my stomach. I prefer to instead have vegetables.
Snacking on gluten-free brown rice cornflakes
“I won’t have a dessert but if I fancied something to nibble on after dinner it would be something crispy.
“But I would try to be as healthy as possible so I will have gluten-free brown rice cornflakes.
“They are not tasty at all! But if I need something to nibble on I will have some of them. Then I am satisfied and can go to bed.
“It’s not in my daily diet but if I do have a taste for chocolate I will have a small bit of a bar of almond and orange chocolate and then I am happy.
“Everything in moderation.
Alcohol only at weekends
“It’s ok to drink alcohol but I try not to do it on a regular basis.
“So most of the time if I drink alcohol it will be at the weekend.
“Or if I am meeting someone or going to a party I am happy to join everyone and have some alcohol.
“I will have gluten-free beer to drink.
“And if I want to really save calories and make sure I don’t consume too much sugar. I will have a little nip of whisky too.
“I also like gin and tonic.
“If I am going out somewhere, I will probably have this most of the time to drink.
It’s good to exercise outdoors
“I teach a lot of exercise classes indoors at my studio from Monday to Friday.
“These include strength training with a bar and weights, high-intensity interval training and Pilates.
“I think it is good for you to regularly go outdoors for some exercise – for a minimum of half an hour.
“So I will go for walks, do some running and I quite like cycling.
“I try to do a minimum of three times a week exercising outdoors.
“In the summer I like water-skiing from time to time and I also do wakeboarding.
“It is similar to water-skiing but using a wakeboard – like a snowboard.
“I also like white water kayaking and recently I also started climbing.
“My knees are not the best so I am trying to find new activities which will be a little easier on my joints.”