Bids are being launched within local councils to make sure the movement to ban caffeine laden energy drinks does not go flat.
Senior councillors within both Fife and Clackmannanshire have brought forward motions seeking support for The Courier’s Can It campaign.
Ellen Forson, an SNP councillor in Clacks and the office manager for both Economy Secretary Keith Brown and Ochil and South Perthshire MP Tasmina Ahmed-Sheik, has proposed that her local authority official gives its support to our cause.
Her motion reads: “That council notes the growing evidence that more young people are consuming excess quantities of energy drinks, which often contain extremely high quantities of caffeine and sugar; notes that 10 to 18-year-olds consume the highest levels of these drinks in the population; acknowledges growing concerns from parents and teachers about the effect on children of consuming such drinks – which includes disruptive behaviour, cardiac problems, nervousness, insomnia, headaches and anxiety; further notes with interest the Can It campaign being launched across Tayside and Fife by The Courier which aims to prevent schoolchildren from consuming excess quantities of energy drinks.”
It goes on to encourage local retailers to sign up to schemes encouraging a voluntary van on selling energy drinks to under 16s.
Meanwhile, Cupar councillor and depute leader of the SNP Karen Marjoram is preparing a motion along similar lines with Glenrothes West and Kinglassie representative Julie Ford, which is expected to go before local politicians at the end of the month.