How to get our free daily newsletter straight to your inbox
Start your day with a curated round-up from The Courier newsroom.
ByThe Courier
Sign up for our daily newsletter to get the day's biggest stories directly in your inbox.
Sign up to The Courier’s daily newsletter and you can get a round-up of the best of our reporting from across Tayside and Fife straight to your inbox.
Whether it’s major breaking news, in-depth features or the latest from the world of politics and sport, we aim to shine a light on issues that matter most to you.
Our newsletter team will highlight their picks of the day’s top stories and deliver them directly to your inbox.
The email is sent 7.30 am Monday to Friday and at 10am on a Saturday, allowing you to start your day fully briefed on the biggest stories.
What’s in the newsletters?
The weekday newsletter will highlight the biggest stories our team of talented journalists have covered.
The Saturday newsletter will be packed with things to do over the weekend, whether that’s big events coming up or the best places to visit with friends and family, so you can plan your free time.
How do you sign up?
Click here and enter your email address to sign up.