Residents fear there could be a rise in fly-tipping after Stirling Council announced a booking-only rule at all its recycling sites.
The council says that users of the tips in Callander and Lower Polmaise near Fallin will be required to book online.
The new electronic booking system will bring the two sites in line with Stirling’s other tip, in Balfron, where it has been in operation since June 2020.
Stirling Council recycling decision labelled ‘ridiculous’
There was an angry reaction to the announcement on the council’s Facebook page.
Ross Nicholl labelled it “ridiculous”.
He added: “Using the Balfron skip and having to plan and book this in advance as well as being limited to frequency of use is anything but convenient.
“I’ve written to the council about this as well as many local MSPs with no success.
“This will lead to fly-tipping and consequently council clean-ups with costs attached.
“Why do we want to limit people recycling?
“Our bin collections are already reduced and now widening this skip access across Stirling is a further bad idea.”
Booking-only system is ‘really disappointing’
Kay Almeida argued the changes would “inconvenience Stirling Council taxpayers more.”
She added: “Lots of us already use the tip regularly due to the ridiculous length of time between rubbish collections.
“Now this means we can no longer wake up on a Saturday morning and have a wee notion to have a clear out as we won’t be able to get a slot at the tip (something that regularly happens in Falkirk Council area).
“So now if we want to be spontaneous we have to plan it weeks in advance. This will only encourage fly-tipping.
“Really disappointing. Was this even consulted on?
“Given that we pay council tax for all these ‘services’, do you not think you should be asking for views/opinions?”
Council says new rule will improve efficieny
The decision was made at a meeting of the council’s environment, transport and net zero committee on Thursday, February 1.
A Stirling Council statement said the new rule would “improve efficiency, customer service and provide better control of the sites.”
It will take effect from May 1.