Stirling Council is to introduce fares on previously free bus services.
From April 1, the P1 and P2 city centre services from the city’s Castleview and Springkerse park and ride sites will no longer be free.
Tickets to any stop will cost £1 for an adult single or return and 50p for a child single or return.
A journey between any of the other stops will cost adults £1.50 for a single and £2 for a return.
For children, the fare will be 75p for a single and £1 for a return.
Family tickets, for two adults and two children or one adult and three children, can be purchased from a park and ride site for £2.10
Weekly passes can also be purchased for the park and ride priced at:
- One week: £5.60 for adults and £2.80 for children
- Four weeks: £20.70 for adults and £10.20 for children
- 12 weeks: £56 for adults and £28.30 for children.
The same fares will also be introduced on the city’s P1 bus route.
Stirling Council funding gap
The introduction of fares came as the council attempted to plug a £16 million black hole in its budget.
However, a decision was made to freeze council tax in favour of a £2.9million grant from the Scottish Government.
Stirling Council claims this is the equivalent of a 4.9% increase in council tax.
Council leader Councillor Chris Kane said: “We remain committed to meeting the needs of our communities in this challenging environment and achieving our key priorities.
“We will also make significant investments in our key services and infrastructure that will help us improve the lives for the people across Stirling.
“The unfortunate reality is that huge pressures on local government finances will remain over the coming years and we need to continue taking steps to secure the council’s long-term financial sustainability.”