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Readers react with outrage to Perth leisure plans

The plan to build a new complex without ice or leisure water on the city centre car park has proved unpopular.

split screen showing entrance to Dewars centre o one side and Perth's Thimblerow car park on the other
Dewars Centre and Thimblerow car park in Perth

Readers have reacted with outrage after plans to build a scaled back  Perth leisure centre at Thimblerow was green-lit by councillors.

The proposal to build a new complex without ice or leisure water on the city centre car park has proved unpopular with our readers.

The watered-down version of PH2O was narrowly voted through by 20 votes to 18.

It defeated proposals to build a new centre on Glover Street which would have featured a leisure pool and a multi-sport ice rink arena.

The loss of both a dedicated leisure pool facility and hundreds of car parking spaces has not sat well with the general public.

‘Death knell for the leisure pool’

Connor McKinnie did not hold back on his his opinion on the decision.

“Dreadful, dreadful decision,” he said.

“Death knell for the leisure pool.

“I haven’t heard of anyone from Perth and the wider area who supports this plan.

“The council are so out of touch it’s unbelievable.”

The price of swimming in Perth and Kinross is set to rise. Image: Live Active Leisure.

Bobby Brian added: “Undoubtedly the wrong decision by those who voted for the motion.

“Hope they are happy with the way they are slowly destroying Perth and constantly making the wrong, unpopular decisions.”

‘You couldn’t make it up’

Some readers wondered how reducing parking spaces would help attract people to the city centre.

Mandy Ross said: “Are Perth council trying to alienate tourists?

“If we’re trying to encourage people to the centre to visit the museum and shop, having another large carpark is really kind of crucial.”

Thimblerow car park in Perth: Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson

Margaret Latto said: “Unbelievable. Perth council at its best.

“Take away a car park which is badly needed and no leisure swimming pool.

“You couldn’t make it up.”

GJ Dunkin said: “What a shambles.

“This car park and free parking on a Sunday is a major pull to shop in the city centre.”

‘Goodbye swimming with the kids’

Some readers claim Perth is being turned into a commuter town.

Edith Hazard said: “Today’s decision is very short-sighted by a bunch of bureaucrats.

“Perth is already a ghost town and removing these facilities will only make it worse.”

Richard Guthrie added: “Absolutely clueless.

“Goodbye swimming with the kids in Perth.

“More reason to travel to Dundee and lose income to Perth.

Mik Bucs went on: “Perth and Kinross is being made into more of a commuter ‘city’ with every decision the council make .

“A place to live with absolutely nothing to do.

“Everyone spends their money elsewhere , Perth and Kinross Council is so short sighted.”
