New plans for a primary school serving hundreds of children at a new housing development in Stirling have been revealed.
South Stirling Gateway will see up to 1,100 homes built between Bannockburn and the M9 Pirnhall Junction, where the former Corbiewood Stadium and Brucefields Family Golf Centre were.
The proposals, submitted by Ryder Architecture on behalf of Stirling Council, detail a seven-classroom school with a seven-a-side grass sports pitch and a car park.
The school, which will have a dining hall and a games hall, will cost almost £14 million to build. The developers will contribute around £6.8 million.
It is expected that the school will serve 217 pupils and have 26 members of staff.
However, the plans have accommodated a potential extension of four additional classrooms.
This means the school could welcome 317 children and 35 employees in future.
The current plans have ensured common areas, such as toilets and the dining room, have capacity for an extension.
The sports pitch and other multi-purpose facilities will be available for community use outwith the school’s operating hours.
Active travel focus at new Bannockburn school
The school will be adjacent to Pirnhall Road and this section of the road will become an active travel link for pedestrians and cyclists.
The car park will include staff parking, accessible spaces and EV charging.
There will be five parallel parking bats for pick up and drop offs, as well as 30 cycle parking spaces.
While plans are yet to be finalised by Persimmon Homes, the developers expect that it will primarily be back gardens facing the school grounds.
The proposals are yet to be considered by planning officials.
A new primary school for South Stirling Gateway was confirmed in September, but this application is for building work planning permission.
Stirling’s new village, Durieshill, is also set to have two new primary schools that will accommodate around 600 children.
Secondary school provision will be Bannockburn High School, which has remaining capacity for both South Stirling Gateway and Durieshill for seven academic years.
It comes after 127 new homes were approved this week as part of the South Stirling Gateway development.
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