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Stirling Planning Ahead: New takeaway green-lit for former city centre Subway

It's all about the approvals in our latest Stirling Council planning permission summary.

A long-empty Stirling city centre unit looks set to get a new lease of life. Image: Google Street View/DC Thomson
A long-empty Stirling city centre unit looks set to get a new lease of life. Image: Google Street View/DC Thomson

Welcome back to Planning Ahead, our regular round-up of all the Stirling Council planning permission applications you need to know about.

This time, we share the conclusion of lots of proposed plans for Stirlingshire featured in past editions of Planning Ahead.

One of them relates to the former Subway sandwich shop on Murray Place in Stirling city centre, which has been sitting empty for years.

But, of course, there are one or two fresh proposals to tell you about – including a new bakery and cafe on Dunblane High Street.

Read on to find out all the details.

Derelict Lower Bridge Street pub to be demolished

The former pub on Lower Bridge Street has traded under many names. Image:<br />Isla Glen/DC Thomson

Last week, we shared the news that the former bar at 2-4 Lower Bridge Street in Stirling – most recently known as Jackie’s Bar – has been approved for demolition.

An application requesting to knock the eyesore building down was submitted by PCM Property Investment in July 2024.

No date has yet been announced for the demolition, which is expected to cost around £65,000 to carry out.

A separate plan to demolish the bar and build student accommodation in its place was floated in November, also submitted by PCM Property Investment.

This proposal is still awaiting a decision from Stirling Council.

Planning reference: 24/00376/EBWS

New dentist for Baker Street

The plans for the new dentist will transform 37 Baker Street, which has been boarded up for many years. Image: Google Street View

Stirling’s former Baker Street Properties and Investment at number 37 Baker Street looks set to soon become Baker Street Dental Care.

The application submitted in November 2024 requesting permission to refit the premises as a dentist has been approved with conditions.

The unit’s windows have been boarded up and used for advertising for well over a decade now.

Now, with a new lease of life, the space will house a waiting room, two dental surgery rooms where patients will be seen, a staff room, and a sterilisation room.

Planning reference: 24/00693/LBC

Short-term holiday let conversion approved

The two-bedroom property will be made available for holidaymakers once renovated

In December, Stirling Council received a request to convert a vacant city centre commercial property previously used as an office into a two-bed flat, to be rented out for short breaks.

The local authority has just okayed the proposals for Wellgreen Lane.

Inside, alongside two bedrooms, the space will have a shared living room and kitchen space, as well as an accessible shower room.

Externally, it will be fitted with a new door and five new windows.

Planning reference: 24/00697/FUL

Possible bakery on Dunblane High Street

One Dunblane local has already objected to the plans for a new bakery in this High Street spot. Image: Isla Glen/DC Thomson

A new application has been lodged to change the use of 1-3 High Street, Dunblane from a salon and retail premises to a bakery and cafe.

The spot used to be home to The Glam House hair and beauty salon, as well as the artist Veronica Jane Lynch.

The applicant proposes offering both sit-in and takeaway food and drink options between 11am and 6pm during the week, and 10am and 7pm at weekends.

Brunch, afternoon tea and charcuterie boards would all be on the menu, but no alcohol would be served.

The in-house bakery would produce everything from fresh bread and crackers to pastries and cakes.

This planning request also asks for permission to install a new galvanised steel flue for ventilation, something which one Dunblane resident has already formally objected to.

The local argues the flue “would have a detrimental impact on both the architectural integrity of the area and the visual amenity of the surrounding environment.”

Planning reference: 24/00781/FUL

Works to take place at Dunblane M&S Food

M&S shoppers will soon have multiple EV chargers available to them. Image: Google Street View

Not far away, at Dunblane’s M&S Simply Food branch, changes to the car park have been approved with conditions.

The planned work includes the installation of four electric vehicle (EV) charging bays, and associated lighting and electrical equipment.

The specific site for the EV chargers is located on the south side of the existing car park.

Planning reference: 24/00723/FUL

Fresh ‘N’ Clean refresh given go-ahead

The front of Fresh ‘N’ Clean will look very different after its refit. Image: Google Street View

Back in November, Barnton Street laundry and dry cleaners in Stirling, Fresh ‘N’ Clean, asked for approval to install a new window and door, as well as a brand new sign.

The application has now been approved with conditions by Stirling Council.

The shop’s existing white signage with green text will be replaced with a more minimalist, dark grey design.

Planning references: 24/00705/LBC, 24/00704/FUL and 24/00706/ADV

New Murray Place takeaway approved

The council stressed that only hot food prepared off-site is allowed to be sold at the new takeaway

And, finally, the Stirling city centre unit that once housed Subway and has been lying empty for close to two years looks set to reopen as a new food business.

In November, an initial planning application was submitted to Stirling Council, requesting permission to turn the shopfront into a takeaway selling hot food.

The proposal suggested the cafe would sell hot soups, as well as hot and cold drinks.

Earlier this month, a related planning request asked for permission to affix a new counter to the wall inside the shopfront, suggesting things were progressing.

Stirling Council has now approved the overall plan with conditions.

In its decision, the council specified that hot food sold on the premises must be pre-prepared elsewhere.

If the takeaway wishes to prepare hot food in-store, further planning permission must be secured.

Planning reference: 24/00659/FUL

You can see the plans here:

Demolition approved for Lower Bridge Street pub

Baker Street Dental Care given the go-ahead

Wellgreen Lane short-term let conversion

Dunblane High Street bakery plans

Changes to M&S car park

Laundry and dry cleaners external alterations

Murray Place takeaway in former Subway approved

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