A flat in a new £17.5 million Dundee housing development has proved “life-changing” for an elderly couple.
They recently moved into one of 66 sustainable homes for the elderly and those with additional support needs.
The Charleston development has been developed by Blackwood Homes & Care, in collaboration with Bield and Hillcrest Homes.
Construction began in December 2022.
Retired steelworker David Stott, 88, and his wife Betty, 84, moved into an adaptive flat in November.
They had been struggling in unsuitable housing for several years.
Their previous flat had impacted the confidence and independence of the couple, who have been married for 65 years.
The couple use walkers and this smaller flat only cost £78 less per month than they now pay.
Stairs and tight spaces in the former home made some basic tasks a challenge.
They had become increasingly isolated as Betty’s health issues worsened.
However, moving into the new flat has made a huge difference to their quality of life.
Dundee couple: ‘It feels like a new chapter’
The flat includes rise-and-fall kitchen counters and electrically operated pocket doors.
It also has other features designed to meet accessibility needs, helping reduce Betty’s reliance on carers from four to one.
Betty said: “I feel like I’ve got my confidence back.
“We’re able to do so much more now.
“I can get around the house with ease and even do things for myself again.
“It was a tight squeeze in our last flat, but now we can both move around and be in the same room.
“It feels like a new chapter for us both.”
The couple are also supported by their three adult children and extended family.
The family were able to celebrate Boxing Day together because of the additional space.
The smaller size of their former flat made this impossible.
The couple’s daughter Sharon said: “My mum struggled to use the kitchen before, but now she can do everything herself.
“Seeing them play games together, go shopping on their own and host family gatherings again is amazing.
“The difference it’s made to their lives and to all of ours is incredible.”
“The extra space and spare bedroom means that family can easily visit and stay comfortably through the night as needed.
“They have friendly neighbours and they’re back shopping on their own.
“It’s been life-changing and it’s been worth every penny.”