Is the closure of the Cupar minor injuries unit already decided or will public opinion count?
That has been a burning question since Fife Health and Social Care Partnership (FHSCP) announced plans to move services to St Andrews, 10 miles away.
Bosses say continuing with the MIU and x-ray service at Adamson Hospital is unsustainable given staff shortages.
And merging with St Andrews ensures a better use of resources.
They have launched an online consultation and are inviting public comments.
But many people fear the outcome is a done deal, given an options appraisal has already been carried out.
However, Cupar councillor John Caffrey insists people can influence decisions.
He was inundated with emails from “horrified” locals within hours of Monday’s announcement.
Several mention the impact of the move, particularly if 1,500 homes at Cupar North are approved.
And Mr Caffrey is now urging those who oppose it to make their voices heard.
People power can make a difference
He said: “I’ve seen comments on Facebook saying it’s a done deal and it’s already decided.
“The feedback I’m getting is people are absolutely horrified by the thought.
“My message loud and clear would be fill out the consultation.
“That’s the priority because that’s what the partnership is going to read.
“By all means contact me by email as well. I’m happy to build up a picture of what people are saying.”
The Liberal Democrat councillor cited several examples where people power made a difference.
A parent campaign in 2012 saved Cupar’s Eden Park Respite Centre for children from closure, until covid hit in 2020.
And campaigns to retain both Stratheden Hospital and Adamson Hospital also succeeded.
Why is Cupar minor injuries unit closure proposed?
The Cupar minor injuries unit treats ailments such as burns, cuts and sprains.
It is open on weekdays only from 8am to 6pm.
The FHSCP looked at three options during its appraisal, including maintaining the status quo.
However, it concluded continuing with the current model risks the sustainability of services.
Coverage for specialist staff is not readily available in the event of sickness.
And the x-ray machine needs replaced.
Managers say their recommendation to move services to St Andrews was guided by medical research and expert clinical opinion.
And a final decision will be made after public engagement.