A Dundee nursery has been criticised for not carrying out staff safety checks.
The Courier has taken a closer look at the most recent Care Inspectorate reports for Tayside, Fife and Stirling.
The organisation is the watchdog for the care industry and inspects providers such as care homes and childcare services to ensure they meet required standards.
The watchdog grades services on key areas including wellbeing, leadership and staffing on a six-point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent.
Some reports were only published weeks after the inspections took place.
Roseangle House, Dundee
Previous ratings
- Care play and learning – 4
- Setting – 4
- Leadership – 3
- Staff – 4
New ratings
- Care play and learning – 3
- Setting – 3
- Leadership – 3
- Staff – 3
Inspection Date
January 25
Despite inspectors saying children enjoyed their time at the Dundee nursery, they raised some concerns.
Officials said staff knowledge of child protection and procedure was “mixed”.
Not all staff were confident in who to contact and the procedures to follow if the nursery child protection officers were not available.
Additionally, safety checks had not been carried out for all staff before they had started working in the service.
While training had been undertaken already, the Care Inspectorate said refresher training to develop staff knowledge and understanding was required.
Inspectors also said the service had a mostly new staff team due to recent high staff turnover.
No 76, Kirkclady
Previous ratings
- Rights and well-being – 3
New ratings
- Rights and well-being – 3
Inspection Date
January 17
Inspectors said the strengths at the residential service “only just” outweighed the weaknesses.
They said there was no clear training log to identify when staff had undertaken safeguarding training.
Additionally, during their visit they found some incomplete care plans.
Despite this, the inspectors said young people were encouraged to learn and had a good relationship with staff.
The Care Inspectorate issued two requirements.
Rainbow Bright Childcare, Dundee
Previous ratings
- Care play and learning – 1
- Setting – 1
- Leadership – 2
- Staff – 2
Inspection Date
February 6
Rainbow Bright Childcare on Camperdown Road was previously issued an improvement notice after inspectors raised several concerns in 2024.
The included the “welfare, health, and safety of children”.
A report at the time said staff “did not have the skills to meet children’s needs”.
Inspectors revisited the nursery in February to follow up on the remaining requirements from the previous inspection.
They found the service has since met the outstanding requirements.
The report said: “Mandatory training had been completed with all staff.
“They were supported by management to ensure their knowledge and skills were improving through training, professional discussions, supervision and monitoring.”
Other recent reports published by the Care Inspectorate are listed below (clicking will download a PDF):
- Westerlands, Stirling
- Carr Gomm Support Services, Dundee
- Perth Homecare Services
- Weavers Burn
- Cowdenbeath Housing Support Service
- Rivendell Care Service, Dunkeld
- Stacey Paterson Childminding, Stirling
- Balmerino Primary School Nursery
- Ilene Park, Cowdenbeath
- 18 West Park, Montrose
You can find the full inspection reports on the Care Inspectorate website.
You can compare and monitor care home performance using The Courier’s care home tracker.