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St Andrews University to demolish North Haugh building this year

The work is part of the long-term vision for the site, which includes building a new teaching and research facility.

How St Andrews University North Haugh site will look
How St Andrews University North Haugh site will look. Image: Fife planning portal

St Andrews University’s vision for its North Haugh campus has taken a major leap forward with demolition plans approved.

The institution will knock down its New Technology Centre within months.

And this will pave the way for construction of a new learning, teaching and research facility known as The Digital Nexus.

How the new North Haugh building could look in St Andrews
The new St Andrews University North Haugh building will house a school of computer science. Image: Supplied.

It will house the university’s School of Computer Science, as well as mathematics and statistics courses which are currently spread across the town.

St Andrews announced ambitious plans for the site some years ago.

They also involve demolition of the adjacent John Honey Building, which contains a teaching laboratory.

A new central plaza will serve as the heart of the campus.

St Andrews North Haugh ground to be levelled

Property consultants Montague Evans says the university is currently preparing a planning application for the work.

Two pre-application public consultation events have already been held.

The firm adds: “To prepare the site, the applicant seeks to demolish the existing New Technology Centre next to the John Honey Building.

“They plan to begin demolition in early quarter three 2025, aiming for a site handover to the main contractor in December.

“Once demolition is complete, the ground will be levelled and the site will be maintained in anticipation of future development proposals.”

The North Haugh is a key university site and is one of several to be developed.

University plans for former Madras College building

St Andrews University also plans to transform the former Madras College site in South Street.

Work on that is earmarked to start this year.

And once complete, it will house a world-leading business school and the School of International Relations.

The building is said to be one of the most architecturally-significant in the town.
