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Dundee Women’s Festival folds after more than 20 years

The festival is usually held in March to coincide with International Women's Day.

Dundee Women's Festival will no longer be held. Image: Dundee Women's Festival/Facebook
Dundee Women's Festival will no longer be held. Image: Dundee Women's Festival/Facebook

Dundee Women’s Festival has folded after more than 20 years.

Organisers say the decision is due to “having no funds to continue” and difficulties in recruiting volunteers.

The festival is usually held in March to coincide with International Women’s Day and is managed by a small group of volunteer trustees.

The annual event celebrates the impact of women locally and worldwide, while also considering the problems still facing women today.

Dundee Women’s Festival cancelled

A post on the Dundee Women’s Festival Facebook page said: “For those who are not yet aware, we are sad to announce the dissolution of Dundee Women’s Festival.

“This has come about as a result of our having no funds to continue to run the festival and, despite our best efforts, having been unable to recruit volunteer trustees to keep the festival going (this would also have included funding applications).

“We hope that groups and organisations who have been involved in the past might still choose to run events around International Women’s Day.

“Meantime we thank each and every one of you who has supported us over the years.”

An exhibition about women in science held during a previous Dundee Women’s Festival. Image: Supplied

The festival faced potential legal action in 2024 after campaign group Women Won’t Wheesht was excluded from the programme.

The organisation was later invited to take part with members gathering in the city centre for a free speech event.

They were met with a counter-protest by pro-trans rights activists, who danced and played ceilidh music.

Promotion for the festival in 2022. Image: Supplied

In a statement on the event’s website, organisers added: “We would also encourage everyone to consider still running annual events around International Women’s Day – and to keep doing whatever you can to raise awareness of the wonderful women of Dundee, and farther afield, who are doing amazing things – because the need for us all to continue to do so certainly doesn’t stop here.

“And of course a massive thank you to all committee and board members past and present – all volunteers who gave their own precious time – who kept the festival going, from planning, meetings and funding applications to co-ordinating the event, delivery of programmes and so much more over the years.”

They said a final balance of £368.51 held in the festival’s final account had been donated to Dundee International Women’s Centre.
