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5 vehicles damaged in 30-minute Dundee fire-raising spree

Emergency crews were called to Ardler and Craigie.

A white Seat has been damaged and debris left behind on Turnberry Avenue, Ardler, Dundee.
A white Seat has been damaged and debris left behind on Turnberry Avenue. Image: Ellidh Aitken/DC Thomson

Five vehicles were damaged in a 30-minute fire-raising spree in Dundee.

Emergency crews were called to two separate fires in Ardler and a third in Craigie on Sunday.

The vehicles were set alight outside properties on Hazlehead Terrace, Turnberry Avenue and Midmill Road between 2am and 2.30am on Sunday.

Police are investigating the fires, which they believe are linked.

5 vehicles damaged in deliberate Dundee fires

At least two fire-stricken vehicles have been removed from Turnberry Avenue, near Ardler Complex.

Another one was lifted from Hazlehead Terrace.

However, burned debris remains on both streets.

A white Seat parked on Turnberry Avenue has also been badly damaged with a wing mirror partially melted.

The wing mirror on a white Seat has been melted. Image: Ellidh Aitken/DC Thomson
Debris on Turnberry Avenue. Image: Ellidh Aitken/DC Thomson
A fire damaged car bonnet has been left behind. Image: Ellidh Aitken/DC Thomson

A third fire was also set on Midmill Road in the Craigie area at around 2.30am.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police in Dundee are investigating three reports of wilful fireraising, which took place between 2am and 2.30am on Sunday, March 2.

“A total of five vehicles were damaged outside properties on Hazlehead Terrace, Turnberry Avenue and Midmill Road.

“The incidents are believed to be linked and officers are following positive lines of inquiry.”

Fire damage in a driveway on Hazlehead Terrace. Image: Ellidh Aitken/DC Thomson

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service confirmed an appliance was sent to Turnberry Avenue from MacAlpine Road station at 2.13am and another to Hazlehead Terrace at 2.23am.

A third crew was sent to Midmill Road at 2.32am with firefighters leaving all three scenes shortly after 3am.

In February, Dundee police chiefs said they would ask petrol stations to halt cash fuel sales amid a “significant spike” in the number of cars being deliberately set on fire across the city.
