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Fears 45-minute Guardbridge tailbacks could hit school exam pupils

Parents have raised concerns school buses caught at roadworks could arrive late for exams at Bell Baxter in Cupar and Madras in St Andrews.

Vehicles in Guardbridge held up by roadworks
Vehicles in Guardbridge held up by the roadworks. Image: Guardbridge Roadworks/Facebook

Work is under way to ensure the £20 million Guardbridge roadworks don’t hit school pupils sitting exams.

School buses are regularly stuck in long tailbacks as the village becomes gridlocked due to the SP Energy Networks contract.

Tailbacks caused by Guardbridge roadworks, raising concerns about school exams
Tailbacks through Guardbridge caused by roadworks. Image: DC Thomson

The energy company is upgrading the electricity network along the busy A91, and work is due to continue for several more months.

However, parents say children regularly miss more than an hour of classes every week as buses are delayed by as much as 45 minutes.

And they have raised concerns youngsters may not be allowed to sit SQA exams – which start on April 25 – if they arrive late.

The issue affects pupils at both Bell Baxter High School in Cupar, and Madras College in St Andrews.

Guardbridge roadworks’ effect on exams a ‘major concern’

Taybridgehead councillor Jonny Tepp has now raised the matter on parents’ behalf.

He said the issue happens every time there are roadworks near Guardbridge.

And he added: “A major concern is examinations will start on time whether there are traffic works or not.”

Mr Tepp has now called for manned lights, rather than automatic ones, to better manage traffic.

Taybridgehead councillor Jonny Tepp
Mr Tepp is concerned about the impact roadworks could have on school exams.  Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson

Fife Council and SP Energy Networks are aware of the issue.

And they are working with bus companies to find a solution before exams begin.

Amending Bell Baxter and Madras bus timetables during the assessments is one option being considered.

And changes to the traffic lights’ set up near the roundabout are in the pipeline, along with more signs warning of delays.

Those will be trialled before exams get under way.

School bus timetables could be changed during exams

The council’s transport lead Tony McRae said: “We are liaising with SPEN to ensure that school bus timetables allow for any delays due to the roadworks.

“Should school bus timetables require to be amended, school staff would be in contact with parents, carers and pupils in advance to advise of any proposed changes.”

SP Energy Networks apologised for the delays.

They told The Courier they recognised from the outset the route of the works would be challenging.

And they worked with the council to ensure “robust traffic management plans” were in place.

A spokesperson added the company holds meetings with the council, schools, bus companies and community groups to discuss the impact.

The company also called on drivers to play their part to ensure traffic management works effectively.
