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KT Tunstall invites former St Andrews drama teacher to night at theatre after chance reunion

The Fife singer has credited Alan Tricker and his late wife for her love of performing on stage.

KT Tunstall and Alan Tricker in London.
KT Tunstall and Alan Tricker in London. Image: Alan Tricker

KT Tunstall invited her inspirational former St Andrews drama teacher to a night at the theatre after a chance reunion.

Alan Tricker was queuing to get into a production of Oliver in London on February 27 when he spotted his former pupil.

The 75-year-old spent years at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews, where he set up a theatre group for kids, Stage One, with his late wife Carol.

KT Tunstall (front left) in Factory Children in 1984.
KT Tunstall (front left) in Factory Children in 1984. Image: Alan Tricker

One of the kids involved was KT, who grew up in the Fife town and recently returned to The Byre for a sold out gig.

The successful singer-songwriter, 49, has credited Alan and Carol for her love of performing on stage.

She recently told The Courier: “I have a very vivid memory of going on stage for the first time there and thinking, ‘this is amazing, I’m enjoying myself, and me enjoying myself is making other people enjoy themselves.’

“That’s the core of what I do and always have done since then.”

KT Tunstall credits St Andrews theatre group with stage success

Speaking to The Courier, Alan described his “pure chance” meeting with KT in London and how the star has come full circle after producing the score for the musical comedy Clueless.

The former Dundee University lecturer said: “The meeting was pure chance. I’ve not talked to KT for around 15 years.

“I tapped her on the shoulder and we got chatting; it was one of those where you don’t expect to bump into someone you know.

“She asked if I wished to join her the following evening at Clueless – which was fantastic.

“I’m not just saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and she’s done a really great job and the music was lovely.”

Alan is a ‘big part of why I love performing on stage’

The Suddenly I See singer, who shot to fame with her 2004 album Eye to the Telescope, posted on her Instagram Story following their chance meeting.

In the post, she said Alan is a “big part of why she loves performing on stage”.

Alan, who moved from St Andrews to Edinburgh six months ago, added: “Carol would write one or two shows every year and KT was in them all for a while.

“For St Andrews Play Club, she played Anne Frank as a 16-year-old in a superb production of Anne Frank’s Diary.

KT Tunstall as Anne Frank in 1991.
KT Tunstall as Anne Frank in 1991. Image: Alan Tricker

“I always thought she might go on to do something – and although she gravitated towards music – when I saw Clueless in London, it brought it full circle.

“She was always very good to work with; she always took on suggestions and had an innate feeling for her character.

“To hear I was a big part of why she loves performing on stage is really nice.

“It’s actually lovely to hear that Carol and I contributed to her development as an artist.”
