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VIDEO: Police, paramedics and helicopter called to search in Kirriemuir

Locals reported significant activity in the Caddam Woods area.

Police, paramedics and a coastguard helicopter were called to a search in Kirriemuir on Wednesday.

Locals reported significant activity in the Caddam Woods area as part of a search for a missing person.

A helicopter from Inverness was heard hovering above the Angus town for several hours early on Wednesday morning.

Speaking to The Courier at the scene, resident Bill Nicoll said: “I’m at the bottom of Mid Road, beside the woods.

“I was wakened at 5.30am by a helicopter going over the house.

“The noise of the helicopter didn’t go away so I got up to have a look.

The helicopter above Kirriemuir. Image: Bill Nicoll
The helicopter spent several hours circling above Kirriemuir on Wednesday. Image: Flightradar24

“The helicopter was hovering and moving slowly with its search light on and off.

“I could see several cars and people out with torches which turned out to be police.”

Another resident said: “I was out walking my dog and was surprised to see all the emergency vehicles at the woods.

“It is very concerning.

“Someone told me they saw police with torches in the woods earlier, and there was a coastguard helicopter flying over the area shining a big light down into the woods, fields, and the golf course nearby.”

The Courier reporter at scene of Kirriemuir incident

The Courier’s reporter Lindsey Hamilton was at the scene.

She said: “All the activity was centred around Caddam Woods in the Northmuir area.

“There were four police vehicles and three ambulances at the scene.

“They were all parked on Windyghoul Road, which leads to the woods, and access was blocked because it’s a single-track road.

Police at the woods. Image: Bill Nicoll

“There were several police officers walking around, but it was hard to see exactly what they were doing. Local residents were out taking a look.

“It was obviously a serious situation.

“Several people who live in this area and other areas of the town talked about hearing a chopper for several hours.

“From my position at the other side of a field, I could see all the emergency vehicles and police officers and paramedics.

“The emergency services had all left by around 8.50am.”

One of three ambulances spotted at the scene. Image: Bill Nicoll
There was a major turnout of emergency services. Image: Bill Nicoll

Police Scotland confirmed the incident was a search for a missing person, who was traced, but has not provided any further information.

An HM Coastguard spokesperson said: “We received an alert at 4am from police to assist in a search of the area at Kirriemuir.

“A coastguard helicopter was then dispatched from Inverness to assist police at the scene.”
