An “intrusive smell” was found at a Fife nursery and the bosses of a Dundee day care centre were not properly registered in the latest care inspections.
The Courier has taken a closer look at the most recent Care Inspectorate reports and stories for Tayside, Fife and Stirling.
The organisation is the watchdog for the care industry and inspects providers such as care homes and childcare services to ensure they meet required standards.
The watchdog grades services on key areas including wellbeing, leadership and staffing on a six-point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent.
Some reports were only published weeks after the inspections took place.
St Andrews Nursery, St Andrews
Previous ratings
- Care and support – 6
- Environment – 5
New ratings
- Care, play and learning – 4
- Setting – 4
- Leadership – 4
- Staff – 4
Inspection date
- January 27-28
Inspectors found an “intrusive smell” in the nappy-changing room led to an “unpleasant” experience for children.
As a result, officials said the nursery should ensure there are effective infection prevention and control practices in place – including effective hand-washing routines and ensuring the environment is free from such smells.
St Andrews Nursery was also told to improve how medication is dispensed.
Despite this, the nursery was praised for its care for the youngsters, treatment of parents, and “welcoming” play spaces.
Inspectors also found it had the necessary staffing levels.
Kids Fun House at Rowantree, Dundee
No previous ratings
New ratings
- Care, play and learning – 4
- Setting – 4
- Leadership – 3
- Staff – 4
Inspection date
- January 22-23
Inspectors found the managers of Kids Fun House were not registered with a “relevant regulatory body”, with a requirement made for this to change.
They also highlighted recruitment processes as not always being carried out in line with “good practice”.
This had an impact on the centre’s ability to recruit employees with suitable skills and values.
However, the inspection also found that children “always experienced kind and respectful interactions” with staff.
This helped children at the day care facility feel “safe and secure”.
Inspectors also said Kids Fun House had created an atmosphere for the children that made it feel different to being in a school environment.
Scone Kids Club, Scone
Previous ratings
- Care and support – 4
- Environment – 4
New ratings
- Care, play and learning – 3
- Setting – 3
- Leadership – 3
- Staff – 3
Inspection date
- February 5
Safety concerns were raised after an inspection of Scone Kids Club near Perth.
Inspectors said: “On a few occasions outdoors, staff deployment was not consistently effective in supporting children and families.
“For example, at times when one staff member was outside with children, they were unable to accompany children back to the club from outdoors.
“Families shared their concerns with us regarding this.”
It said there was more work needed to “support children’s safety”.
The centre was also told to improve how medication is dispensed.
However, inspectors praised Scone Kids Club for helping children feel “happy, settled and confident in the setting”.
Alexander Care Home, Crossgates
Inspection date
- February 17
Inspectors found Alexander Care Home had made improvements, following a previous visit where concerns were raised about temperatures being at a comfortable level for residents.
The Care Inspectorate found temperatures in the home were now being “regularly monitored and maintained”.
The home was also “comfortable and warm” when they visited.
Other reports published by the Care Inspectorate are listed below (clicking will download a PDF):
- Finavon Court Care Home, Glenrothes
- Options Fife McNally House, Glenrothes
- Orchardhead House, Rosyth
- Balhousie Ruthven Towers, Auchterader
- Crieff Primary School Nursery, Crieff
- Tiddlywinks Nursery School, Dundee
- Jane McGinley, Dundee
- ABC Nursery Above and Beyond Childcare, Aberfeldy
You can compare and monitor care home performance using The Courier’s care home tracker.