Carers can access vital support and advice through a new series of events run by Fife Voluntary Action (FVA).
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The Carers Connect sessions aim to bring carers together, offer practical advice, and ensure that those providing essential care know they are not alone.
Caring can be a lonely existence. On top of that, many people don’t realise they are carers. But anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support is a carer.
Whether they’re looking after an elderly parent, a child with additional needs, or a friend who requires regular support, many carers can go unrecognised.
FVA is working to change that with Carers Connect.
The drop-in sessions will run between 10am and 2pm, providing a welcoming and informal environment where attendees can meet with other carers, speak to organisations offering support, and access vital resources.
They are free of charge and there’s no registration required. Just drop in.
Carers Connect – 3 events, 3 locations
There will be three Carers Connect events across the region:
The first will take place in Cupar at The Corn Exchange, St Catherine Street, on Monday March 24.
The second will be in Kirkcaldy on Wednesday March 26 at the Beveridge Park Hotel on Abbotshall Road.
Finally there will be a session in Dunfermline at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Halbeath Road, on Friday March 28.
Each event provides a chance to connect with other unpaid carers in the community. Attendees can access support, advice, and resources from expert organisations dedicated to helping carers.
Among the local services taking out a stall at the events will be the Fife Carers Centre who offer -information, advice, and tailored support for carers
Fife Young Carers, who help young people balance care responsibilities, will also be there.
In addition, Crossroads Fife, who can provide practical help and respite care for unpaid carers, will be in attendance.
Why you should attend Carers Connect
The Carers Connect events provide an opportunity for unpaid carers to gain valuable information and support in an informal, relaxed setting.
Whether seeking financial guidance, emotional support, or simply a chance to connect with others in a similar situation, these sessions can make a meaningful difference.
For more details visit Fife Voluntary Action’s website.