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Loch Earn’s iconic Mirror Man statue returns after eight years

Perthshire locals have expressed their joy at the long-awaited return of the sculpture, formally named Still.

The Mirror Man is back in Loch Earn. Image: Take Pride in Perth and Kinross Association
The Mirror Man is back in Loch Earn. Image: Take Pride in Perth and Kinross Association

Loch Earn’s Mirror Man statue has returned after an eight-year absence.

The iconic sculpture, formally named Still, was a major tourist attraction before it was removed by its mystery owner in 2017.

Community group St Fillans in Bloom and Take a Pride in Perth and Kinross Association successfully fundraised to purchase the statue, repair it and return it to the loch.

Environmental artist Rob Mulholland with Mirror Man.
Environmental artist Rob Mulholland with Audrey Gavigan and Geoff Hardman-Carter from St Fillans in Bloom. Image: Take a Pride in Perth and Kinross Association

Still, created by renowned Scottish sculptor Rob Mulholland, was spotted back in the waters on Friday.

‘Delight’ at the sculpture being back at Loch Earn

Dr Karen McDonnell, Chair of Take a Pride in Perth and Kinross Association, said: “We are delighted to have supported St Fillans in Bloom to bring Still back to Loch Earn.

“This project beautifully embodies our mission to foster community involvement and enhance the local environment.

“By working together on initiatives like this, we’re not only enriching the area’s cultural and environmental landscape but also inspiring residents and visitors to connect with the beauty and spirit of Perth and Kinross.”

One Facebook user added: “Glad to see him back! Look forward to seeing him in a few weeks when heading in that direction.”

How Still became a tourist attraction

Made from hundreds of mirrored tiles, Still – known locally as The Mirror Man – was installed in 2014 and often regarded as Perthshire’s Angel of the North.

Mr Mulholland said: “I created Still to symbolise the physical and spiritual relationship between humans and the natural world.

“The figure is purposefully static in stance reflecting the awe and power of nature.

“It’s incredible to witness how the sculpture has resonated with the people of St Fillans and visitors from far and wide.”

Elsewhere in the region, drivers will face a three-week lane closure on the A9 in Highland Perthshire. 
