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Stirling band aiming for number one album chart spot with backing from Europa Music

Constant Follower needs to overtake Lady Gaga to reach number one on Friday.

Constant Follower is fronted by Stephen McAll, who writes music from his studio in Stirling. Image: Harri Reid
Constant Follower is fronted by Stephen McAll, who writes music from his studio in Stirling. Image: Harri Reid

A Stirling band is pushing to hit number one in the official Scottish albums chart this week.

Constant Follower’s record The Smile You Send Out Returns To You is currently sitting at number three.

The band, fronted by Stephen McAll, needs to overtake South Korean artist Jennie and international pop sensation Lady Gaga to reach number one on Friday.

Stirling institution Europa Music has put its weight behind Constant Follower’s bid for the top spot and is calling for Scottish music lovers to show their support by buying a copy of The Smile You Send Out Returns To You.

Ewen Duncan, owner of Stirling’s Europa Music, is calling for Scottish music lovers to put their money where their mouth is and support Constant Follower. Image: Gregor Boyd

The record shop’s owner Ewen Duncan said: “To get Constant Follower to number one, we need people to buy the album.

“Whether it’s vinyl, CD, or download, it all counts.

“Tell your friends, spread the word – word of mouth is everything.

“If you care about independent music, now’s the time to show it. This can happen, but only if people get behind it.”

‘A stunning piece of work’

He added: “Seeing an independent Scottish artist rise through the charts like this is rare, but I think it proves people still care deeply about homegrown music.

“Constant Follower’s album is a stunning piece of work: atmospheric, deeply moving, and crafted with real artistry.

The album artwork for The Smile You Send Out Returns To You, which came out on February 28. Image: Heather Nevay

“It’s not just a record, it’s an experience, and it deserves to be heard by as many people as possible.”

Other high profile Scottish supporters of The Smile You Send Out Returns To You include author Ian Rankin, musician Shirley Manson, and broadcaster Roddy Hart.

Written in Callander, recorded in Texas

Stephen McAll writes and records music for fans of the likes of Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Low, and Mark Hollis at his studio in Stirling.

Constant Follower’s 2021 debut release and 2023 follow-up were both nominated for the Scottish Album of the Year Award.

Mr McAll penned Constant Follower’s latest album in around two weeks, while staying at a remote cabin just outside Callander, before eventually recording it in Austin, Texas.

The Smile You Send Out Returns To You was released on February 28, and is available to buy online or in person from a whole host of independent record shops across Scotland.

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